Matt Austin
- High School Principal, Administration
Jane Barr
- Administrative Assistant, Elementary School
Arianna Barr
- Instructional Assistant, Support Staff
Brianna Bennett
- Speech & Language, District
Rachael Bergstrom
- Member, School Board
Marcia Blackbourn
- Instructional Assistant, Support Staff
Judy Boll
- Food Service, Support Staff
Carrie Brinkman
- Administrative Assistant, Athletics
- Administrative Assistant, Middle School
McKenzy Brown
- 6th Grade, Middle School
Erika Brunson
- Counselor, High School
- Counselor, Middle School
Merrill Brunson
- 6th Grade, Middle School
Kyon Buford
- Instructional Assistant, Support Staff
Dan Burreson
- Social Studies, High School
- Head Coach, Boys Basketball, Athletics
Morgan Burris
- Special Education Teacher, District
Andy Busch
- Member, School Board
Laura Busch
- 4th Grade, Elementary School
Ashley Calderon-McHugh
- Choir, High School
- Choir, Middle School
Melissa Callaway
- Custodial, Support Staff
Kyle Carey
- Technology Education, High School
- Technology Education, Middle School
Chris Carr
- Physical Education, High School
- Activities & Athletic Director, Athletics
- Physical Education, Middle School
Maddy Chapman
- Special Education Early Childhood/Primary Teacher, Elementary School
Tami Chappell
- Instructional Assistant, Support Staff
Ross Coogan
- Instructional Assistant, Support Staff
Terry Cool
- Social Studies, High School
Meg Cullen
- Instructional Assistant, Support Staff
Dave DeVoe
- Maintenance Director, District
Sherry DeVoe
- Food Service, Support Staff
Kimberly Diefenbach
- Literacy Interventionist, Elementary School
- Math Interventionist, Elementary School
Gina Dochnahl
- Instructional Assistant, Support Staff
Bridget Doney
- Kindergarten, Elementary School
Renee Douglas
- Special Education Teacher, Options In Education
Joelle Doye
- Communications Director, District
Livia Doyle
- 4th Grade, Elementary School
Preston Dubey
- Special Education, Elementary School
Jennifer DuBois
- Education Specialist, Certified Staff
Katelyn Dunham
- 1st Grade, Elementary School
Aaron Dunn
- President, School Board
Brooke Eagan
- Kids Club Assistant, Before/After School, Elementary School
Curtis Fiedler
- Special Education, Middle School
- Head Coach, Wrestling, Athletics
Cristian Flores
- Head Coach, Girls Soccer, Athletics
Kyle Glynn
- Head Coach, Boys Soccer, Athletics
Sue Gollon
- Library Assistant, Support Staff
Erin Gomanne
- Science, High School
Denise Gorgen
- 2nd Grade, Elementary School
Cooper Gorgen
- Therapist, Elementary School
Dan Graber
- Custodial, Support Staff
Piper Graham
- Custodial, Support Staff
Elizabeth Grutz
- Special Education, Middle School
Callie Gundlach
- Special Education, High School
Adam Haas
- Instructional Assistant, Support Staff
Mike Hadfield
- Art, High School
- Art, Middle School
Joe Hanson
- Head Coach, Track & Field, Athletics
Will Harris
- Clerk, School Board
Laurie Heimsoth
- 5th Grade, Elementary School
Amanda Heisner
- Coordinator/Teacher, Options In Education
Joni Heisner
- Vice President, School Board
Debra Hintz
- Instructional Assistant, Support Staff
Rodney Horne
- Custodial, Support Staff
Linda Hubbard
- Library Assistant, Support Staff
- Instructional Assistant, Support Staff
Michele Hughes
- Custodial, Support Staff
Amanda Ingwell
- 4-year-old Kindergarten, Elementary School
Tom Ingwell
- Elementary School Principal, Administration
Nick Jelle
- Head Coach, Girls Basketball, Athletics
Ed Joestgen
- Custodial, Support Staff
Jane Johnson
- Food Service, Support Staff
Christie Johnston
- Member, School Board
Kari Kabat
- Math, Middle School
- Head Coach, Volleyball, Athletics
Allison Keller
- Music, Elementary School
Angela Klein
- Director of Pupil Services, District
Hilari Lansing
- Instructional Assistant, Support Staff
Janet Lawinger
- Administrative Assistant, High School
- Administrative Assistant, Counselor, High School
- Administrative Assistant, Counselor, Middle School
Brett Lawinger
- Head Coach, Baseball, Athletics
Justin Leonard
- Special Education, High School
- Head Coach, Football, Athletics
Erin Leonard
- 4-year-old Kindergarten, Elementary School
Jayne Lindsey
- Nurse, District
Marla Martin
- Instructional Assistant, Support Staff
Kaelyn Martin
- 3rd Grade, Elementary School
Valerie Martin
- Business & Marketing, High School
- Business & Marketing, Middle School
Chad Martin
- Health & Physical Education, Elementary School
Mo May Grimm
- Kids Club Director, Before/After School, Elementary School
Kris McCoy
- Librarian, High School
- Librarian, Middle School
Amy McDaniel
- School Psychologist, District
Carmen McDonald
- Kindergarten, Elementary School
Sue McGettigan
- Food Service, Support Staff
Bret McGraw
- Social Studies, Middle School
Denny McGraw
- Head Coach, Cross Country, Athletics
Brooke McGraw
- 6-12 Assistant Principal (with Middle School Focus), Administration
Jill McGuire
- Kindergarten, Elementary School
Gia McIntosh
- Food Service, Support Staff
Ben McWilliams
- Math, High School
Courtney Miess
- 3rd Grade, Elementary School
Danielle Miller
- Bookkeeper, District
Tasha Miller
- Literacy Interventionist, Middle School
Heather Moellers
- Art, Elementary School
Spenser Moore
- Instructional Assistant, Support Staff
Chloe Muhlstein
- 5th Grade, Elementary School
Kimmy Mumm
- Food Service Director, District
Matt Nevers
- Band, High School
- Band, Middle School
Susan Niehaus
- 2nd Grade, Elementary School
Brenda Niesman
- Custodial, Support Staff
Cynthia Nothem
- Math, High School
Julia Oellerich
- Head Coach, Gymnastics, Athletics
Bill Ottoway
- Liaison Officer, District
Bocephus Ottoway
- Therapist, High School
- Therapist, Middle School
Ryne Ponsler
- Foreign Language, High School
Keri Radtke
- 2nd Grade, Elementary School
Jodi Renwick
- Special Education, Elementary School
Todd Rideout
- Food Service, Support Staff
Michelle Rielly
- Language Arts, Middle School
Kelli Ritchie
- Sign Language Interpreter, District
Dani Robb
- Social/Emotional Learning Coach, District
Michael Robinson
- Agriculture, High School
- Agriculture, Middle School
Lynn Ross
- 4th Grade, Elementary School
Brandi Ruf Wepking
- Instructional Assistant, Support Staff
Leslie Rule
- Food Service, Support Staff
Todd Schmitz
- Transportation Director, District
Rachael Schroeder
- Reading Specialist, District
- Literacy Interventionist, Middle School
- Literacy Interventionist, Elementary School
Angela Schubert
- Administrative Assistant, District
- Secretary, School Board Staff
Quinn Schultz
- Health & Physical Education, High School
- Head Coach, Softball, Athletics
- Health & Physical Education, Middle School
Jena Siegenthaler
- 6th Grade, Middle School
Jessie Sigg
- 5th Grade, Elementary School
Cody Sigg
- Custodial, Support Staff
Jennifer Singer
- 3rd Grade, Elementary School
Justin Skelding
- Treasurer, School Board
Chuck Smet
- Project Lead the Way, Middle School
Jason Smith
- Language Arts, High School
Cory Sokol
- Head Coach, Golf, Athletics
Jessica Soots
- 1st Grade, Elementary School
Shelby Sporle
- Pupil Services Administrative Assistant, District
- Registrar, District
Gina Sporle
- Instructional Assistant, Support Staff
Kristin Staver
- Language Arts, High School
Tom Steger
- Science, High School
Bridget Tippett
- Instructional Assistant, Support Staff
Amanda Tupper
- Assistant Bookkeeper, District
Micki Uppena
- Librarian, Elementary School
Dan Van Galen
- Science, Middle School
- Foreign Language, Middle School
Mitch Wainwright
- Superintendent, Administration
Patti Wanta
- Sign Language Interpreter, District
Kim Wedig
- Instructional Assistant, Support Staff
Jenna Wedig
- Instructional Assistant, Support Staff
Alexandra Welsh
- Counselor, Elementary School
Penny Wiegel
- 1st Grade, Elementary School
Tracy Wiegel
- Instructional Assistant, Support Staff
Janalyn Yager
- Food Service, Support Staff
Anthony Zilliox
- Language Arts, Middle School
- Language Arts, High School