Veterans’ Day is a family affair

Mineral Point Elementary School held its annual Veterans’ Day program Tuesday afternoon. Students and their family members who are veterans posed for photos after the ceremony. (Photos by Joelle Doye)

Volleyball team feted

Mineral Point High School’s volleyball coaches Dana Gevelinger, Amy Gevelinger, and Claire Poad honored their teams at the annual banquet Sunday, November 9 in the cafetorium.  Award winners included: Sydney Staver–Most Valuable, captain, and first team all-conference; Sadie Pethel–Most Dedicated, captain, and honorable mention all-conference; Natalie Chubb–Team Player award and captain; Clara Chambers–first team all-conference… Continue Reading Volleyball team feted

Online Book Fair

If you missed the book fair at the elementary school or the book you wanted wasn’t available, orders can be placed online.  The link below will direct you to the Mineral Point Elementary School Online Book Fair. Welcome to Our Book Fair! Orders may be placed through November 18

Communications Director

 Joelle Doye was recently hired as the Communications Director for the Mineral Point School District.  This hire originated from the findings of the district’s Strategic Plan.  Paging through the plan the word “communication” appears ten times, which is evidence that the committee on the Strategic Plan value this attribute.  In an effort to increase transparency… Continue Reading Communications Director

Communication is key


Alumni donation to stadium

Former MPHS Principal Ted Evans recently met with Superintendent Dr. Luke Francois to share a check in the amount of $30,000 for the stadium project.  The proceeds were raised through the efforts of alumni and friends selling NFL raffle tickets.  “I am most appreciative of our alumni and the efforts of Mr. Evans to coordinate and support the field.  This… Continue Reading Alumni donation to stadium

Framework of Your Wisconsin Government Resources

Chapter 1 slideshow. Chapter 2 slideshow. Chapter 3 Study Guide Answers. Chapter 4 slideshow. Chapter 5 slideshow. Chapter 6 slideshow. Chapter 7 slideshow. Chapter 8 slideshow. Chapter 9 slideshow.

Kudos to Key Club

One of Mineral Point High School’s most active clubs is celebrating a week dedicated just to them. November 3-7 has been designated as Key Club Week. Key Club is the largest high school service organization in the world and is a member of the Kiwanis family. The Mineral Point advisor is Don Hay, who is… Continue Reading Kudos to Key Club