Mineral Point School District
Board Looks to Fill Vacant Seat
The Board of Education of the Mineral Point Unified School District is searching for its next member. Friday, August 23, Superintendent Mitch Wainwright and Board President Jeff Basting received the resignation of Andrew M. Busch, effectively immediately. Busch took office in April 2016. The Board will now begin searching for a replacement. Any qualified elector… Continue Reading Board Looks to Fill Vacant Seat
Board Hears Elementary Foundation Update
The School Board held its regular monthly meeting Monday night and learned the latest from architect HSR and engineer raSmith regarding the foundation investigation at the elementary building. (Scroll past the video for more article text — this discussion begins the video) Tim Ruppert of HSR and Wayne Vandenbergh of raSmith gave the presentation to… Continue Reading Board Hears Elementary Foundation Update
Board Adds Surplus to Capital Maintenance Fund
The Mineral Point School Board held a brief meeting July 29. (Scroll past the video for more article text) Business included: — Superintendent Mitch Wainwright stated the annual audit by Johnson Block has been completed. Given the end of year surplus, the district recommended committing $175,000 to Fund 46 and the remaining to fund balance.… Continue Reading Board Adds Surplus to Capital Maintenance Fund
Second Grants Presented by Excellence in Education Board
Kristin Mitchell, chair, and members of the Mineral Point Excellence in Education Advisory Board were on hand at the recent Mineral Point Schools Staff Recognition Event for two reasons. First, the advisory board offered its sincere appreciation to all faculty and staff for their care of and commitment to the students of the district. Each… Continue Reading Second Grants Presented by Excellence in Education Board
Elementary Planning Proceeding
Tim Ruppert from HSR architects told the school board at its meeting Monday, July 8 that everything is “falling in place very well” with regard to the elementary renovation timeline. (Continue past the video for more article text) Ruppert presented a potential revised drop off/pick up loop, as well as visitor and handicapped parking on… Continue Reading Elementary Planning Proceeding
Design Process Continues for Elementary
At the Monday, June 10 regular meeting, the School Board heard the latest from architect firm HSR with regards to the elementary building project. (Scroll past the video for more article text) HSR stated they have met with elementary staff, and continue to meet with a core committee of a few board members and administrators.… Continue Reading Design Process Continues for Elementary
Board Approves Open Enrollments, Staffing Update
The Mineral Point School Board held a brief meeting Thursday morning. The following items were unanimously approved with Everett Lindsey, Jeff Basting, Nate Chambers, and Larry Steffes present and Tony Dahl, Aaron Dunn, and Andy Busch absent. Open Enrollments in and out for the 2019-20 school year as recommended by administration. Resignation of Janis Needham,… Continue Reading Board Approves Open Enrollments, Staffing Update
Austin Hired as High School Principal
At the regular monthly meeting of the School Board Monday night, following closed session, the Board unanimously approved the hiring of Matt Austin to be the next Mineral Point High School Principal, commencing with the 2019-20 school year. (Scroll past the video for more article text) Mr. Austin has been a science teacher at Mineral… Continue Reading Austin Hired as High School Principal
Board Approves Special Ed Hirings
The School Board held a brief special meeting Monday, April 29 to discuss staffing. (Scroll past the video for more article text) Following closed session, the Board unanimously approved (with Larry Steffes absent) beginning with the 2019-20 school year the hiring of Jodi Renwick as an Elementary Special Education Teacher and Curtis Fiedler as a… Continue Reading Board Approves Special Ed Hirings
#PointerNation Welcomes Curtis Fiedler
Curtis Fiedler has been hired as the new Middle School Special Education Teacher beginning with the 2019-20 school year. Curtis Fiedler Middle School Special Education Teacher Hometown: Mineral Point High school graduated from: Mineral Point College: Curtis received his Bachelor of Science degree from UW-Whitewater in Cross Categorical Special Education with an emphasis in Cognitive… Continue Reading #PointerNation Welcomes Curtis Fiedler