Sullivan Appointed to School Board

Gary Sullivan has just been appointed by the School Board at tonight’s meeting (Monday, October 14) to fill the vacant School Board seat left by Andrew Busch (who, by law, needed to resign in order to apply for a position with the district). To read Mr. Sullivan’s interest letter:    Board policy directed how the… Continue Reading Sullivan Appointed to School Board

Lindseys to Lead Homecoming Parade

What year do the following things have in common? Jimmy Carter was President of the United States. A gallon of gas cost $0.86. A first class stamp was $0.15. McDonald’s introduced the Happy Meal. The Pittsburgh Pirates and Pittsburgh Steelers both claimed world championships. “My Sharona” by the Knack was named Billboard’s #1 song. “Alien”… Continue Reading Lindseys to Lead Homecoming Parade

Appreciation and Humility

“I hear your school district is one of the best in the state.” I hesitated to respond when a new parent said this to me. She was filling out her registration paperwork in our conference room. I had stopped by to introduce myself. Her answer to my general question, something about what brought her family… Continue Reading Appreciation and Humility

FAST to Begin 3rd Year

Mineral Point Elementary is excited to embark on its third year of FAST, which stands for Families & Schools Together. FAST helps children thrive by building strong, supportive relationships at home. Built on evidence-based practices and rigorously tested, FAST consistently produces statistically significant improvements in children’s behavior, emotional well-being, and academic performance while building social… Continue Reading FAST to Begin 3rd Year

Renwick Invited to Be Part of DPI Committee

Mineral Point Elementary Principal Matt Renwick has been invited to be part of the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s State Academic Standards Writing Committee for English Language Arts.  State Superintendent Stanford Taylor authorized the creation of this committee to review and revise Wisconsin’s Academic Standards for English Language Arts in order to positively impact student… Continue Reading Renwick Invited to Be Part of DPI Committee

Homecoming 2019

Mineral Point School District is anxiously anticipating celebrating its 2019 Homecoming September 30th through October 5th. This year’s theme is “Friday Night Lights.” Court members include, left to right, front row: Senior Representative Ryver Galle, Senior Queen Candidate Nicole Johnson, Senior Queen Candidate McKenna Bowers, Senior Queen Candidate Jenna Wedig, and Senior Representative Kylie Sullivan.… Continue Reading Homecoming 2019

Pointers Exceed State Average on Exams

District students scored well above the state average for public school students on Wisconsin Student Assessment System exams given during the 2018-19 school year, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction announced on Thursday, September 12. The Forward assessment is administered to students in grades 3-8 for English Language Arts and Mathematics, grades 4 and 8… Continue Reading Pointers Exceed State Average on Exams