The Mineral Point School Board held an emergency meeting Sunday afternoon with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Board unanimously supported the administration and local physicians’ recommendation to not hold classes Monday or Tuesday this week. (The District had previously announced it would not hold classes March 18 until April 6 at the earliest, due to the State’s orders). The district will now be closed from March 16 until at least April 6. Certified staff will report Monday. Please stay up to date with our related communication here: https://mineralpointschools.org/coronavirus-covid-19-information/
The Board also unanimously supported the administration’s recommendation to continue to compensate hourly employees (support staff) from March 16-March 20, as well as March 30-April 3. (The District’s spring break is scheduled for March 23-27 and hourly employees were not scheduled to be compensated during this time).
The Board was planning to have a special meeting Wednesday evening to approve the General Contractor for the elementary building renovation/addition project, but that item was also moved to today’s agenda.
The Board unanimously approved accepting the low bid and awarding the contract to Kraemer Brothers of Plain.
Everett Lindsey and Tony Dahl were not present at the meeting.