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Basketball Official Praises Mineral Point
From a basketball official: On Tuesday Craig Fenrick and I officiated the Cuba City @ Mineral Point boys basketball game. These are my observations from the evening. When we arrived the game managers were friendly and happy to see us. All of our needs were well taken care of, The gym was near full capacity and everyone… Continue Reading Basketball Official Praises Mineral Point
Winter Planting in the Oak Savanna
Box Tops for Education
Box Tops for Education® is one of the nation’s largest school fundraising loyalty programs and has been helping schools succeed since 1996. With over 250 participating products, it’s an easy way for schools to earn cash for the things they need. For a Box Tops for Education® collection sheet, please click here. By clipping 10¢ Box… Continue Reading Box Tops for Education
Instruments of the Orchestra!
Instruments of the Orchestra
Digital Learning Day 2014
Follow us on Facebook (MS/HS or Elementary) and Twitter at #mpschoollibraries and #mpschools as we celebrate!
Will School Closings Require More School Days?
Wisconsin is experiencing freezing temperatures once again this winter. Many schools, including Mineral Point, have elected to close school on one or more days this week, in addition to several days before and after the Winter Break. As a result, you may be wondering whether your school district will be able to meet the minimum… Continue Reading Will School Closings Require More School Days?
Koo Koo Kanga Roo to Visit Elementary
On Tuesday, March 4th, Mineral Point Elementary will be having special guests to perform a concert to celebrate Music in Our Schools Month. Koo Koo Kanga Roo is an interactive dance party duo from Minneapolis, MN. They have toured all over the country with Frank Turner, Reel Big Fish, The Aquabats, and Yo Gabba Gabba. Since… Continue Reading Koo Koo Kanga Roo to Visit Elementary
Creating a Safe and Caring School
PEP and the Mineral Point School District have paired up to bring a nationally recognized speaker to talk to you and your kids! Michael McGowan is a consultant and motivational speaker who worked with thousands of students, teachers, the NFL, MLB and the NHL over the last 15 years. Mike’s presentations are entertaining and practical.… Continue Reading Creating a Safe and Caring School
Welcome to Mineral Point Elementary
Welcome to Mineral Point Elementary School. It is our mission to offer a high quality education that empowers students with the knowledge and skills to become responsible citizens. Our school is home to approximately 370 students attending classes ranging from Early Childhood to fifth grade. We take pride in our school and pride in our students… Continue Reading Welcome to Mineral Point Elementary