Mineral Point School District
Board Updates Protocols

The Mineral Point School Board held its regular monthly meeting Monday and updated its covid protocols. Video link: https://youtu.be/qkqCTxjZ3wI The main change made was to eliminate the 53565 zip code case numbers from the masking matrix. Moving forward, masking levels will be determined solely based on the percentage of students and staff positive/quarantined in each… Continue Reading Board Updates Protocols
Kohl Applications Advance to State Level

The Mineral Point Unified School District is proud to announce 2nd Grade Teacher Denise Gorgen and High School Math Teacher Cindi Nothem had their Herb Kohl Fellowship applications advanced out of CESA #3 and have been forwarded to the state level for consideration. The announcement of the winners will likely be made public in the… Continue Reading Kohl Applications Advance to State Level
Board Updates Protocols

At Monday night’s regular School Board meeting, the meeting began observing a moment of silence in remembrance of Captain Brian Busch and Firefighter James Ludlum. The Mineral Point School Board approved by a 6-0 vote (with Busch absent) updating the district’s covid protocol document, largely to reflect current isolation and quarantine recommendations by the CDC.… Continue Reading Board Updates Protocols
2022 School Board Candidate Field

The deadline to file for candidacy to appear on the ballot for the Tuesday, April 5 Mineral Point School Board election was Tuesday, January 4 at 5 pm. Candidates whose names will appear on the ballot include: William Harris, Christie Johnston, Alan Schrank, and Sarah E. Syvrud (incumbent). There are two available seats. Incumbent Gary… Continue Reading 2022 School Board Candidate Field
2022 School Board Election Information

The election will be held Tuesday, April 5, 2022 for two available seats on the Mineral Point School Board. The term of office for these school board members is three years and begins Monday, April 25, 2022. For all interested candidates (including incumbents), a Campaign Finance Registration Statement and a Declaration of Candidacy must be filed no later… Continue Reading 2022 School Board Election Information
Board Approves Protocol Updates

The Mineral Point School Board continued its regular monthly meeting Thursday, which was adjourned early Monday due to the Middle/High School Winter Concert. Video link: https://youtu.be/5Yo0QvWiigM The Board resumed its discussion of altering the current covid protocols. (This begins the meeting video) The Board voted by a 6-1 vote (with Sullivan voting no) to accept… Continue Reading Board Approves Protocol Updates
December School Board Meeting Part I

The School Board held its regular monthly meeting Monday. The meeting did not conclude prior to the start of the Middle/High School Winter Concert. Therefore, the meeting will reconvene Thursday, December 16 at 5 pm with discussion of covid protocols and finishing the agenda from that point. Please refer to the agenda info from Monday… Continue Reading December School Board Meeting Part I
District Earns Top 10% State Report Card

After a two year hiatus, the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction has released state report cards, based on 2020-21 school data. The Mineral Point Unified School District has scored an 82.8, which places it into the Exceeds Expectations category, a four star ranking. This score places the District in the top ten percent of school… Continue Reading District Earns Top 10% State Report Card
Syvrud Appointed to School Board

Sarah Syvrud has just been appointed by the School Board at tonight’s meeting (Monday, November 15) to fill the vacant School Board seat left by the passing of Larry Steffes. (Meeting video link: https://youtu.be/eP773-TB2nE) To read Syvrud’s letter of interest: Board policy directed how the vote… Continue Reading Syvrud Appointed to School Board
District Earns State Communication Awards

The Mineral Point Unified School District was honored by the Wisconsin School Public Relations Association (WSPRA) with two awards for its work in school communications between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021. #PointerNation has now earned 18 WSPRA Awards since the fall of 2015. WSPRA showcased the Spectrum Awards at its annual fall conference… Continue Reading District Earns State Communication Awards