Spring F.A.S.T. Session Open for Families
What if I told you that there was an easy way to increase communication between home and school, develop better family cohesion, and improve community relationships? Would you take advantage of this opportunity? If you said yes, consider signing up for F.A.S.T., or Families and Students Together. This program is facilitated by trained Mineral Point… Continue Reading Spring F.A.S.T. Session Open for Families
Winter Family Event Canceled for Elementary School
Well, the snow was nice while it was here! In anticipation of a possible lack of snow the rest of the winter, we are canceling our scheduled family day in February. It involved a snowman building contest and some seasonal-related family activities indoors. Maybe next winter will be more advantageous for hosting this type of event.… Continue Reading Winter Family Event Canceled for Elementary School
State girls basketball info
UPDATE–Wednesday, 11 am SENDOFF: The MP girls will leave the high school at approximately 9:15 am tomorrow with a sendoff. All are welcome! DOORS OPEN: Doors will open approximately 45 minutes prior to the start of each session (MP tips off at 6:35 pm Thursday). PARKING INFO: please see the attachment here: Resch Center Parking SHOULD… Continue Reading State girls basketball info
SWAL Honors Band
A big congratulations goes out to our middle and high school band students who were selected for the SWAL Conference Honors Band. The concert is set for Saturday, January 9 at 4:30 pm at Boscobel. The public is welcome.
School Board candidate field set
The field is set for the April 5 Mineral Point School Board election as the deadline to file for candidacy was Tuesday, January 5 at 5 pm.
MPMS 1st Quarter Honor Roll
Mineral Point Middle School is proud to announce its first quarter honor roll for 2015-16. HIGH HONORS Sixth Grade: Bryce Acherman, Eloise Chambers, Makenna Ferrell, Ella Fox, Tanner Goninen, Emily Graber, Bo Hanson, Drew Hottenstein, Ellie Janetka, Lexi Kinch, Mallory Lindsey, Trapper Nafzger, Callie Pierce, Brett Roberts, Alyssa Roelli, Delaney Ross, Kennedy Smith, Emma Steffes,… Continue Reading MPMS 1st Quarter Honor Roll
Thank a Principal

October is National Principals’ Month and the Mineral Point Unified School District is proud to salute its three principals–Brad Brogley, Elementary; Vickie Dahl, Middle; and Mitch Wainwright, High. National Principals’ Month recognizes the essential role that principals play in making a school great. Principals are among the hardest working, yet often least recognized individuals in… Continue Reading Thank a Principal
Online Elementary Parent-Teacher Conference scheduling
Dear Parents/Guardians, You are invited to sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences online. Conferences willonly take place on Thursday, November 5 and Thursday, November 12. Conferences are 15 minutes in length with start times between 3:45-7:15 pm on both days. Due to time limitations, only ONE conference will be scheduled for each student. This conference… Continue Reading Online Elementary Parent-Teacher Conference scheduling
Special School Board Meeting 9/28
The Mineral Point School Board held a special meeting Monday to take action on two agenda items. Video of this meeting can be found here: The District recommended approval of Tami Krueger-Chappell to a 1.0 FTE paraprofessional position. Chappell would replace Heidi Nelson who resigned this summer and will commence with a salary rate of… Continue Reading Special School Board Meeting 9/28
Homecoming Schedule Announced

Mineral Point High School is anxiously anticipating celebrating its Homecoming October 5-10. This year’s theme is “Mineral Point…The Magic Kingdom!” Court members are, left to right, front row: Brandon Forseth, Scott Pittz, Senior Representative Tess Oberhauser, Senior Queen Candidates Myah Aschliman, Clara Chambers, Carly Tibbits, Senior Representative Savannah Lawinger, Dylan MacGilvra, and Dane Pfaff. Back… Continue Reading Homecoming Schedule Announced