Mineral Point High School is anxiously anticipating celebrating its Homecoming October 5-10.
This year’s theme is “Mineral Point…The Magic Kingdom!”
Court members are, left to right, front row: Brandon Forseth, Scott Pittz, Senior Representative Tess Oberhauser, Senior Queen Candidates Myah Aschliman, Clara Chambers, Carly Tibbits, Senior Representative Savannah Lawinger, Dylan MacGilvra, and Dane Pfaff. Back row: Logan Bidlingmaier, Freshmen Representatives Miranda Oellerich and Mara Aschliman, Steven Blume, Sophomore Representatives Danielle Blum and Amelia Mitchell, Nate Eisenzimmer, Junior Representatives Haley Chubb and Addy Chambers, and Jacob Parks.
The events are as follows:
Monday 10/5: Dress up day: Senior Citizen (High), Crazy Hair (Middle), Pajama (Elementary).
Tuesday 10/6: Dress up day: Thrift Shop (High), Blackout (Middle), Mix n’ Match (Elementary). Volleyball vs. Riverdale (Cornwall Exchange students selling pizza).
Wednesday 10/7: Dress up day: Magic Kingdom (High): Freshmen-Mice, Sophomores-Peasants, Juniors-Fairies, Seniors-Kings and Queens, Teachers-Sinister Force; Superhero (Middle); Class Color (Elementary): Kindergarten-Orange, 1st-Yellow, 2nd-Blue; 3rd-Green, 4th-Black, 5th-Red.
Thursday 10/8: Dress up day: Class Color (High): Freshmen-Lime Green, Sophomores-Hot Pink, Juniors-Purple, Seniors-Black, Teachers-Red; Favorite Team/Player (Middle); Blue and White (Elementary). Queen speeches 8 am in gym. Parade 6:00 pm down High Street (FFA Alumni selling pork sandwiches at 5 pm through the parade at Wayne’s). Spirit Rally and crowning of the Queen to follow at the current/”old” football field. Anyone wishing to enter a float in the parade should contact Matt Nevers at matt.nevers@mp.k12.wi.us or 987-0730.
Friday 10/9: Dress up day: Pointer Spirit (middle and high), Pointer Spirit/Favorite Team (elementary). Football game vs. Boscobel 7 pm.
Saturday 10/10: Gridiron Club Golf Outing 11 am at Dodge-Point. Dance 8 pm-12 am with Grand March at 8:30 pm in high school gym.
A special invitation is extended to all Pointer Alumni to join in the festivities. Pointer Pride never dies.
Go Blue! Make it a great Homecoming week!