Bus Expectations

Parents are responsible for the supervision and safety of students from home until they board the bus, and from the bus stop to home. Students are responsible for their conduct on school buses and are expected to adhere to bus rules.  By following the rules, we ensure that all students using bus transportation, as well as… Continue Reading Bus Expectations

Jazz Musicians Unit

John Coltrane   Louis Armstrong   Duke Ellington   Ella Fitzgerald   Wynton Marsalis

Winter Planting in the Oak Savanna


Box Tops for Education

Box Tops for Education® is one of the nation’s largest school fundraising loyalty programs and has been helping schools succeed since 1996. With over 250 participating products, it’s an easy way for schools to earn cash for the things they need. For a Box Tops for Education® collection sheet, please click here. By clipping 10¢ Box… Continue Reading Box Tops for Education

Digital Learning Day 2014

Follow us on Facebook (MS/HS or Elementary) and Twitter at #mpschoollibraries and #mpschools as we celebrate!