Board Holds Emergency Meeting

The School Board held an emergency meeting Thursday, December 10 and voted unanimously to remain in our all-virtual model until Winter Break (last day of classes is Tuesday, December 22 with staff having a work day Wednesday, December 23). Video link: The Board also voted their intent unanimously to have students return Monday, January 4… Continue Reading Board Holds Emergency Meeting

Board Votes to Extend Virtual Learning

The Mineral Point School Board held a special meeting Monday night and voted 5-1 (with Larry Steffes voting no and Andy Busch absent) to extend virtual learning until Monday, January 18. Video link: The Board will hold a special meeting Monday, December 28 to look at the latest data before families return from Winter Break… Continue Reading Board Votes to Extend Virtual Learning

Board OKs Winter Sports

The Mineral Point School Board held its regular monthly meeting Monday evening. (Unfortunately, Zoom did not record the meeting. We reached out to Zoom, but they were unable to provide us with a copy of the recording. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please reference the agenda for attachments: After much discussion, the Board unanimously… Continue Reading Board OKs Winter Sports

Board Holds Two Meetings

Wednesday, October 14 The School Board held an emergency meeting Wednesday and voted on athletic participation while students are virtually learning during the suspension of the academic hybrid model. The Board voted 5-1 to allow participation of boys soccer, cross country, and volleyball immediately. Andy Busch, Everett Lindsey, Larry Steffes, Gary Sullivan, and Nate Chambers… Continue Reading Board Holds Two Meetings

Board Passes Face Covering Policy

The Mineral Point School Board held a special meeting Monday night with a full agenda. The Board unanimously approved a face covering policy for the District, similar to what many other districts have implemented. Currently, the Governor’s mask mandate is in effect, however, that may not always be the case. The District policy will be… Continue Reading Board Passes Face Covering Policy

Board Discusses Reopening Efforts

The Mineral Point School Board held its regular monthly meeting Monday and had a lengthy discussion regarding school reopening efforts and possible next steps, including some board members’ desire to see a potential Phase II draft plan from administration of bringing more students back into the buildings more days per week. Video link: During this… Continue Reading Board Discusses Reopening Efforts

Board Discusses Fall Sports

The Mineral Point School Board met Thursday morning to discuss the fate of fall sports. Video link: Superintendent Mitch Wainwright stated the SWAL held a preliminary meeting earlier in the week in which a 4-2 vote was taken to move football to the spring. The conference would be meeting again on Friday to formalize… Continue Reading Board Discusses Fall Sports