The deadline to file for candidacy to appear on the ballot for the Tuesday, April 6 Mineral Point School Board election was Tuesday, January 5 at 5 pm.
Candidates whose names will appear on the ballot include: Aaron A. Dunn (incumbent) and Justin Skelding.
There are three available seats.
Robert Janetka has filed paperwork to be a registered write-in candidate.
Should any other persons register as a write-in candidate by filling out paperwork in the District Office prior to the Candidate Forum Monday, March 15, they would also be invited to participate. Please contact Angela Schubert at angie.schubert@mp.k12.wi.us or 987-0740 with any questions. The deadline to be a registered write-in is Friday, April 2 at Noon.
The top three vote recipients will serve three year terms.
The term of office will commence Monday, April 26.