Video of School Board Candidate Forum

The Mineral Point School District hosted a school board candidate forum Monday, March 28. Larry Steffes, Andy Busch, and Glen Pilling are seeking the two available seats on the board in the April 5 election. The video is below:

Kelm considered for Kohl Fellowship

The selection committee for the Herb Kohl Educational Foundation Scholarship, Fellowship, and Leadership Program announced March 21 the recipients of the 2016 Herb Kohl Foundation awards for students, teachers, and principals. The $3,000 awards are being made to 100 teachers, 16 principals and their schools, and 184 graduating high school students. Mineral Point 2nd grade… Continue Reading Kelm considered for Kohl Fellowship

Doye Wins National School PR Award

The National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA) announced Monday, March 14 that Mineral Point Unified School District Communications Director Joelle Doye is the national recipient of the NSPRA Foundation for the Advancement of Education Seminar Scholarship. Each year, the Foundation offers two scholarships to individuals who are new to school public relations with the intention… Continue Reading Doye Wins National School PR Award

March School Board Meeting

During Monday night’s School Board meeting, the item that took a great deal of time surrounded the proposed compensation schedule for 2016-17 for staff, much of which ended up being tabled until April. Video from the meeting can be obtained here (please keep scrolling under the video for more article text): Exempt Staff With Individual… Continue Reading March School Board Meeting

State girls basketball info

UPDATE–Wednesday, 11 am SENDOFF: The MP girls will leave the high school at approximately 9:15 am tomorrow with a sendoff. All are welcome! DOORS OPEN: Doors will open approximately 45 minutes prior to the start of each session (MP tips off at 6:35 pm Thursday). PARKING INFO: please see the attachment here: Resch Center Parking SHOULD… Continue Reading State girls basketball info

Bus Driver Appreciation Week

The Mineral Point School District is proud to recognize its bus drivers during School Bus Driver Recognition Week. Drivers for Pointer students include: Jerry Cenite, Chris Cox, Brenda Culver, Denise Enright, Grant Gorgen, Brian Graber, Tom Heins, Alf Jacobson, George Nast, Roger Palzkill, Kris Potterton, Todd Schmitz, Bruce Suddeth, Ted Terrill, Bob Tibbits, Greg Tonkin,… Continue Reading Bus Driver Appreciation Week

February School Board 2/8

The Mineral Point School Board conducted a rather unique meeting Monday night in the sense that, other than some straight forward business items, there were no action items on the agenda. Rather the meeting was filled with items for information and discussion. Video of the meeting can be viewed here (continue scrolling past the video… Continue Reading February School Board 2/8