Mineral Point School District
Homecoming 2021

Mineral Point School District is anxiously anticipating celebrating its 2021 Homecoming September 27th through October 2nd. This year’s theme is “We’re Out of This World!” Court members include, left to right: Front row: King and Queen Candidates: Bo Hanson, Mallory Lindsey, Ross Lindsey, Ella Chambers, Trapper Nafzger, and Kennedy Smith. Second row: Freshman Representative Ally… Continue Reading Homecoming 2021
Elementary Holds Ribbon Cutting
Tuesday, September 7, 2021 will go down in #PointerNation history! We were so excited to welcome students into our renovated elementary spaces! The day began with a brief ribbon cutting ceremony for students and staff. School Board members since construction began were also invited to attend. Since we were unable to have a groundbreaking ceremony… Continue Reading Elementary Holds Ribbon Cutting
Protocols and Matrix Approved

The Mineral Point School Board held a special meeting Thursday evening to review COVID protocols to begin the 2021-22 school year. Video link: https://youtu.be/oc1Dx_Q9Uhs At last night’s special School Board meeting, the Board voted 4-3 (with Busch, Dunn, Heisner, and Sullivan voting yes and Janetka, Skelding, and Steffes voting no) to approve COVID protocols and… Continue Reading Protocols and Matrix Approved
Board Takes Action on COVID Protocols

At Monday night’s School Board meeting, the Board voted 4-3 in favor of optional face coverings for students and staff (Busch, Skelding, Steffes, and Sullivan voted yes and Dunn, Heisner, and Janetka voted no). The Board also voted 6-1 (with Steffes voting no) to require face coverings on district transportation (buses, vans) as this is… Continue Reading Board Takes Action on COVID Protocols
Change to Start Date for Elementary

The School Board held its regular monthly meeting Monday and heard the latest updates regarding the elementary construction project from Tim Ruppert of HSR and Eric Portz of Kraemer Brothers. Due to the renovation/addition project, K-5 students will now begin school Tuesday, September 7 with 4K and EC starting Thursday, September 9. Middle/High school students… Continue Reading Change to Start Date for Elementary
#PointerNation Welcomes Dani Robb

Dani Robb Social/Emotional Learning Coach Hometown: Avoca High school graduated from: Riverdale College: Dani earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work with a Minor in Criminal Justice from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and her Master’s Degree in Social Work from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Previous employment: Most recently, Dani was the Behavioral School Social… Continue Reading #PointerNation Welcomes Dani Robb
Building Belonging With Books

Students (age 13 and over), Parents, Community Members, and MP School Staff are invited to join our upcoming book club, Building Belonging with Books! Registration and more details can be found here: https://www.smore.com/9ywvr Each month you will be able to select from a variety of children, middle grade, or young adult books around… Continue Reading Building Belonging With Books
Registration 2021-22
It’s that time of year again. The Mineral Point School District will be gathering student demographics and forms utilizing Skyward Family Access. Starting July 26, you will be able to update Student Demographics online in Family Access. You will need to have your username and password. You will only be able to access this area… Continue Reading Registration 2021-22
Elementary Project on “Home Stretch”

The renovation and addition at the elementary school is in month 16 of 18 (or 89% complete), on the “home stretch,” according to Tim Ruppert of HSR Associates, as presented to the School Board at the July monthly meeting Monday evening. Video link: https://youtu.be/osmQX5b2TWQ To view HSR’s presentation with more details and photos on the… Continue Reading Elementary Project on “Home Stretch”
Board Approves Preliminary 21-22 Budget

The Mineral Point School Board held a special meeting Wednesday, June 30 to address budget issues for the 2021-22 school year. Video link: https://youtu.be/BWrJ5RWQt6A By a 4-2 vote (with Steffes and Sullivan voting no and Dunn absent), the Board voted to approve the preliminary budget for the 2021-22 school year. This allows the district to… Continue Reading Board Approves Preliminary 21-22 Budget