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Board Votes to Exceed Revenue Limit for Dust Collector
At Monday night’s School Board meeting, the Board voted 5-2 to approve a resolution to exceed the revenue limit to purchase the dust collector system for the tech ed department. (Scroll past the video for more article text.) Voting yes were Lisa Hay, Julie Stephenson, Kelly Gundlach, Andy Busch, and Jeff Basting. Voting no were… Continue Reading Board Votes to Exceed Revenue Limit for Dust Collector
3rd Year in a Row for State School Health Award
Mineral Point Middle/High School has been named a 2017 Bronze Wisconsin School Health Award winner from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. This is the third year in a row the district has received this honor. Receiving this award signifies Mineral Point Middle/High School’s commitment to providing students with the knowledge and skills to make… Continue Reading 3rd Year in a Row for State School Health Award
Board Votes to Hire Additional First Grade Teacher
A group of engaged parents filled the Board room Monday night in support of an additional 1st grade teacher being hired, which the School Board then voted unanimously to approve. Member Jeff Basting was absent. (Scroll past the video for more article text) The Board has a policy that states it will strive for class… Continue Reading Board Votes to Hire Additional First Grade Teacher
Stakeholders Craft Strategic Plan Update
“Grounded by our history, as one of the oldest publicly supported schools in Wisconsin, MPSD is the heart of a small community that educates and inspires our students for a bright future in a big world.” This is the mission statement the District has been operating under since the last Strategic Plan was completed in… Continue Reading Stakeholders Craft Strategic Plan Update
Registration 2017-2018
Again this year, the Mineral Point School District will be gathering student demographics and forms utilizing Skyward Family Access. Our goal is to allow you to complete these tasks from home so you do NOT have to wait in line. MPSD will have two Information/Picture Days at the Middle/High School Cafetorium, August 3 and August 15… Continue Reading Registration 2017-2018
Big Awards Earned at State FFA Convention
Loken Wins State FFA Prepared Speaking Contest Tommie Loken of the Mineral Point FFA Chapter was selected as the state winner of the FFA Prepared Speaking Contest with her speech titled: GMO. The Prepared Speaking Contest recognizes outstanding FFA members for their ability to present factual information on agricultural topics in a well thought-out and… Continue Reading Big Awards Earned at State FFA Convention
Governor Visits to Sign Cheese Bill
Governor Scott Walker traveled to Mineral Point Elementary School Thursday, June 1 to sign Assembly Bill 73, which designates cheese as Wisconsin’s official dairy product. Cheese joins a list of state symbols, including the dairy cow, which was designated the state’s domestic animal in 1971, and milk, which has been Wisconsin’s official state beverage since… Continue Reading Governor Visits to Sign Cheese Bill
Class of 2017 Awarded with Scholarships
Mineral Point High School held its annual Senior Scholarship Night Thursday, May 18 at the Opera House. Earning scholarships and awards were as follows: Elise Ames: Alumni Foundation $300, Key Club $500, Kiwanis $500, PEP Good Citizen $500. Emma Baker: Skills USA $400. Cassandra Bossert: Alumni Foundation $300, Future Business Leaders of America $250, Key… Continue Reading Class of 2017 Awarded with Scholarships
Matching Gift Creates Opportunity to Support Mineral Point Students
Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, Mineral Point students with negative lunch balances have the opportunity to end the school year in the black. In order to achieve this goal, the donor will match up to $750 of additional monies generated by the community to support this effort by Friday, May 19. Children… Continue Reading Matching Gift Creates Opportunity to Support Mineral Point Students
State Skills USA Produces National Qualifiers
Mineral Point High School sent a large contingent to the State Skills USA competition in Madison April 25 and 26 and emerged with a National Qualifying Entrepreneurship Team. Representing Mineral Point were: Emma Baker, Danielle Blum, Madison Bowers, Abigail Callaway, Caden Carey, Curtis Cox, Addison Dailey, Brandon Dolphin, Nick DuBois, Paige Goodweiler, Grady Gorgen, Jake… Continue Reading State Skills USA Produces National Qualifiers