2021 School Board Candidate Field

The deadline to file for candidacy to appear on the ballot for the Tuesday, April 6 Mineral Point School Board election was Tuesday, January 5 at 5 pm. Candidates whose names will appear on the ballot include: Aaron A. Dunn (incumbent) and Justin Skelding. There are three available seats.  Robert Janetka has filed paperwork to… Continue Reading 2021 School Board Candidate Field

Winter Sports Information

Hello #PointerNation — The winter sports season is upon us. Hopefully the information below helps supporting our teams easier for you. Please save this message for future reference. SCHEDULES (subject to change) Please continue to check the RSchools website calendar for updates as well: https://www.swwal.org/public/genie/381/school/6/ Boys Basketball: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HyxgRxbWvFACBvDsUSD5nq4lmOd673Lu/view?usp=sharing Girls Basketball: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cFZ4ylkpbpZcWjIb6Zl5syMZjUfnHd2X/view?usp=sharing Gymnastics: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gkXuGVNNbfDGjeC50ospDO2xMGx5D1qc/view?usp=sharing Wrestling: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hhswh5I-zX9Ugs7x2SRsnVpJZ3d0UR6L/view?usp=sharing SWAL… Continue Reading Winter Sports Information

Board OKs Winter Sports

The Mineral Point School Board held its regular monthly meeting Monday evening. (Unfortunately, Zoom did not record the meeting. We reached out to Zoom, but they were unable to provide us with a copy of the recording. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please reference the agenda for attachments: https://meetings.boardbook.org/Public/Agenda/2067?meeting=431861) After much discussion, the Board unanimously… Continue Reading Board OKs Winter Sports

Homecoming 2020

#PointerNation is preparing for Homecoming 2020! While this year will be different due to COVID-19, we are still planning for a fun week to showcase our school spirit. Homecoming is the week of November 2-6 This year’s theme is “U Can’t Touch This” Football will host Lancaster Friday, November 6. (The game will be livestreamed… Continue Reading Homecoming 2020

Fall Sports Guidelines

Hello #PointerNation — Below are the varsity regular season schedules as they stand at the moment for fall sports. Please know these are always subject to change. Please contact the host school for their most up to date policies and procedures prior to an event, as well as to see if any live streaming options… Continue Reading Fall Sports Guidelines


It’s that time of year again–please consider nominating Mineral Point educators for the following awards. They are some of the most prestigious honors that can be earned in the state. Please read below for details on the two categories, Fellowship and Leadership. Kohl Educational Foundation Fellowship Award   Teacher nominations for the 2021 Herb Kohl Educational… Continue Reading KOHL NOMINATIONS SOUGHT

MPHS Fall Sports Announcement

Friday, August 21 The SWAL Athletic Conference met today to vote on participation in a high school fall sports season due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Today was the culminating event after a series of meetings over the last month.  Each school district administration was asked to obtain guidance from their school board prior to the… Continue Reading MPHS Fall Sports Announcement

Reopening Advisory Committee

The Mineral Point School Board has voted to create an Ad Hoc Committee to continually study the school reopening process this school year. The Committee’s role will be advisory only and will provide monthly reports to the School Board. The Committee will be charged with providing feedback on school reopening to help maximize safety and… Continue Reading Reopening Advisory Committee