WIAA Postseason Info 2/18-2/20

The WIAA Postseason continues this week for our #PointerNation student-athletes! Because of strict spectator limitations, please check out the information below to cheer from the comfort of your own home if you do not have a ticket. Wrestling State Team Wrestling Info for Saturday at Wausau West (sendoff, livestream, etc): https://mineralpointschools.org/2021/02/team-state-wrestling-information/ ___________________ Girls Basketball Sectional Final… Continue Reading WIAA Postseason Info 2/18-2/20

Team State Wrestling Information

#POINTERNATION WRESTLING WIAA TEAM  STATE TOURNAMENT INFORMATION   DIVISION 3 LOCATION Wausau West High School 1200 West Wausau Avenue Wausau, WI 54401 School Map/Parking: https://www.wiaawi.org/Portals/0/PDF/Sports/Wrestling/WWHS-Map.pdf PROGRAM The souvenir programs for the 2021 winter State Tournament events are available online and available to be downloaded and print at no cost. https://www.wiaawi.org/Portals/0/PDF/Publications/Programs/2021teamwrestling.pdf MATCH TIMES Saturday, February 20… Continue Reading Team State Wrestling Information

Individual State Wrestling Information

#PointerNation Wrestling WIAA Individual  State Tournament Information DIVISION 3 LOCATION Wausau East High School 2607 N. 18th Street Wausau, WI 54403 School/parking map: https://www.wiaawi.org/Portals/0/PDF/Sports/Wrestling/D3-State-Ind-Map.pdf QUALIFIERS #113 Lucas Sullivan, #126 Tarrin Riley, #160 Bo Hanson, #170 Nolan Springer, #182 Mason Hughes, #220 Daniel Nordstrom PROGRAM The souvenir programs for the 2021 winter State Tournament events are… Continue Reading Individual State Wrestling Information

WIAA Sectional Wrestling Info

#PointerNation is proud to host this Saturday’s WIAA Wrestling Sectional! Please plan to join our livestream, which will be broadcast on trackwrestling.com (browse to find the Mineral Point Sectional). The cost will be $10 (which is the same as the cost of ticket admission). A reminder in-person spectators are limited — each participating wrestling family will… Continue Reading WIAA Sectional Wrestling Info

Winter Sports Information

Hello #PointerNation — The winter sports season is upon us. Hopefully the information below helps supporting our teams easier for you. Please save this message for future reference. SCHEDULES (subject to change) Please continue to check the RSchools website calendar for updates as well: https://www.swwal.org/public/genie/381/school/6/ Boys Basketball: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HyxgRxbWvFACBvDsUSD5nq4lmOd673Lu/view?usp=sharing Girls Basketball: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cFZ4ylkpbpZcWjIb6Zl5syMZjUfnHd2X/view?usp=sharing Gymnastics: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gkXuGVNNbfDGjeC50ospDO2xMGx5D1qc/view?usp=sharing Wrestling: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hhswh5I-zX9Ugs7x2SRsnVpJZ3d0UR6L/view?usp=sharing SWAL… Continue Reading Winter Sports Information

Seven Pointers Named All-SWAL for Wrestling

2018-19 SWAL All-Conference Wrestling   FIRST TEAM 106: Brody Lee, Fennimore 106: Mason Welsh, Iowa-Grant/Highland 113: Luke Blair, Fennimore 120: Mason Lull, Fennimore 126: Danny Pittz, Mineral Point 132: Caden Carey, Mineral Point 138: Aidan Nutter, Fennimore 138: Kolbe Ubersox, Darlington/Black Hawk 145: Logan Schmitz, Mineral Point 152: Nolan Springer, Mineral Point 152: Trevor Wanek,… Continue Reading Seven Pointers Named All-SWAL for Wrestling

Hurda Enters Bauman Hall of Fame

Mineral Point High School inducted a new member into the Al Bauman Wrestling Hall of Fame Friday, January 18. The induction was supposed to take place during the Iowa-Grant/Highland match, but due to a snowstorm that forced the postponement of the match, the event was moved to Tony’s Tap. Congratulations to Clint Hurda! Clint Hurda… Continue Reading Hurda Enters Bauman Hall of Fame