Superintendent’s Corner
“When do we start building?”
by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright “When do we start building?” I think I have been asked that question a hundred times. The dust has settled and the smoke has cleared now that the April referendum question has been decided. So, what happens next? As was mentioned during all the meetings this spring, we will work with… Continue Reading “When do we start building?”
by Mitch Wainwright I am thankful that I have the privilege to live in this community, and work for this school district. While I am not a native of Mineral Point, I have lived here for over half of my life. I have come to know that this community is open to a wide range… Continue Reading Thankful
Vote for the Position that Best Represents Your Needs
by Mitch Wainwright defines a referendum as, “the principle or practice of referring measures proposed or passed by a legislative body, head of state, etc., to the vote of the electorate for approval or rejection.” The taxpayers of Mineral Point are very familiar that a referendum can impact their property tax rates. Most often… Continue Reading Vote for the Position that Best Represents Your Needs
A Look Forward
by Mitch Wainwright As we turn the calendar over to a new year, many people feel a sense of accomplishment and pride for what they have done. As a school district, we look at this as the halfway point in our school year and think about what we need to still do. Seniors begin to… Continue Reading A Look Forward
Thank You!
by Mitch Wainwright Thank You! All across the state, there were November referendum questions asking for new buildings, remodels/additions, facility upgrades, and technology improvements. There were also questions asking for money for two, three, five years or forever in recurring referendums. Over 150 referendum questions were asked of the district taxpayers all over the state.… Continue Reading Thank You!
Take Time to Vote
by Interim Superintendent Mitch Wainwright Next week, voters will be heading to the polls to vote on a variety of issues, and for a wide range of offices for state and federal representation. Closer to home, there are two referendum questions that will impact the taxpayers of the Mineral Point Unified School District. During the… Continue Reading Take Time to Vote
Two Separate Referendum Questions
by Interim Superintendent Mitch Wainwright In less than five weeks, Mineral Point taxpayers will be asked to vote on two referendum questions. The first question is asking permission to spend $11.92 million to add on to and remodel the current elementary school. The second question is asking permission to exceed the revenue cap by $350,000… Continue Reading Two Separate Referendum Questions
Luckiest Man Alive
by Interim Superintendent Mitch Wainwright I am Mitch Wainwright, and I couldn’t be more excited to be starting a new position! This is my eighth year in the Mineral Point Unified School District and the first as the Interim Superintendent. I have been in education for over 30 years and cannot remember being this excited… Continue Reading Luckiest Man Alive
Kindness and Grace
by Superintendent Luke Francois, Ed.D. Seven years ago, Superintendent Terry Hemann asked me to consider applying to Mineral Point as he was returning to his home state of Iowa. Initially, I declined the offer as I was not seeking a change in job status, did not wish to relocate our home, the commute was too… Continue Reading Kindness and Grace
Focus on Feedback
An Elementary School Planning Committee was created by the Board of Education to study capacity and accessibility and report back their findings and recommendations to the Board. To guide the Committee’s work a community survey was deployed. Over 375 people responded to the survey with more than 100 returning a paper survey with the remaining balance… Continue Reading Focus on Feedback