Appreciation and Humility
“I hear your school district is one of the best in the state.” I hesitated to respond when a new parent said this to me. She was filling out her registration paperwork in our conference room. I had stopped by to introduce myself. Her answer to my general question, something about what brought her family… Continue Reading Appreciation and Humility
Good Referendum News

by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright I have good news to share with everyone about the elementary building referendum. At last month’s school board meeting, our architect (HSR) and a structural engineer (raSmith) reported to the board what they believe to be the main issue under the building foundation. By digging a series of holes inside and… Continue Reading Good Referendum News
Strategic Plan: Starting with Social Studies
In June, the faculty examined the state social studies standards with the purpose of developing a written curriculum plan for this discipline. Last week, teachers focused on one strand of social studies (civics, economics, geography, history) and started to develop a narrative that would introduce students to the knowledge, skills, and dispositions of that area… Continue Reading Strategic Plan: Starting with Social Studies
Take a Moment to Reflect

by Mitch Wainwright I was recently having a conversation about how quickly summer has come and gone this year and the proof is in how clean the buildings are. One registration day has already happened, “Back to School” commercials are all over the place, and soon many high school students will be coming back for… Continue Reading Take a Moment to Reflect
Celebrate Together

by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright The 4th of July is a time to celebrate. It makes me think about all of the people that have worked hard and sacrificed to get us where we are today. Some men and women have made the ultimate sacrifice and should not be forgotten. Our freedoms should not be taken… Continue Reading Celebrate Together
Year-End Reflection: The Challenge of Change
I have had the honor of observing our current 5th grade students become the individuals they are today since 3rd grade. This is one of the many perks of being a principal: having a schoolwide view of our kids as they progress through the years. As a former 5th and 6th grade teacher myself, I… Continue Reading Year-End Reflection: The Challenge of Change
Thanks for a Great Year

by Mitch Wainwright Where has the school year gone? It seems like yesterday when it was August and the teachers were coming back to school. Now, it is the last day of school for all students and staff. How is that possible? There have been so many things that have happened this year, and I… Continue Reading Thanks for a Great Year
Elementary School Renovation: Six Design Strategies for Modern Learning Spaces
Later this May, professionals from HSR Design (our architecture firm) will be available during the school day to take questions and collect feedback from staff about the building renovation. Time is yet to be determined, but they should be available long enough for everyone to have an opportunity to speak with them. As educators, we… Continue Reading Elementary School Renovation: Six Design Strategies for Modern Learning Spaces
“When do we start building?”

by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright “When do we start building?” I think I have been asked that question a hundred times. The dust has settled and the smoke has cleared now that the April referendum question has been decided. So, what happens next? As was mentioned during all the meetings this spring, we will work with… Continue Reading “When do we start building?”
Competition and Education
My wife and I attended our first track meet of the year last night. The rain and overall cruddy weather did not sway the student athletes and coaches from completing the events. Our son participated in a team relay, high jump, and shot put. Tomorrow, our daughter will be playing soccer. Another sports seasons has… Continue Reading Competition and Education