by Mitch Wainwright
I was recently having a conversation about how quickly summer has come and gone this year and the proof is in how clean the buildings are. One registration day has already happened, “Back to School” commercials are all over the place, and soon many high school students will be coming back for practice. Maybe it is my age, or maybe I just really enjoy my job and the people I get to work with, but every year seems to go faster and faster.
It helps to take a moment and reflect on where we have come as a district to help slow down and enjoy what we have all been a part of. Twelve months ago I had the pleasure of moving into the role of the Superintendent. In that time frame, students successfully completed rigorous academic standards, we finalized the district budget, went to referendum in the fall and spring, had teachers win awards and recognition, students received honors and appeared on public radio, extra curriculars competed at the highest levels at both state and national competitions. No matter what area holds your interest in our school and community, there was always one thing that stood out the most to me. Along with all of the good news, there was some sad news as well. We said goodbye to some staff members and still remember the passing of a high school student. Through all of the events, the one main constant has always been the level of support for each other and it never waivers.
Soon we will be heading back to school — August 26th to be exact, and the goal is to repeat the success we have had. We will continue to work at providing the best education we can for every child. The staff is committed to providing an excellent education and to keep every possibility available for every child. So, as you get ready to send your children back to us, rest assured the staff working here is the best there is and we care for your children as much as you do. We all want nothing but the best for them.
Enjoy what time is left of the summer!