Family Request for Elementary School Dismissal – January 8, 2021
Hello MPES families, Since construction began this school year on the new gymnasium and library, the upper parking lot has been closed. That has required all staff to park along neighboring streets. Everyone has been great about managing this inconvenience. We know that it is not forever. We bring this up as we would like… Continue Reading Family Request for Elementary School Dismissal – January 8, 2021
Elementary School Morning Drop Off Update: January 6, 2021
With more students back in the building, along with less students using bus services plus a later opening (7:45), we are noticing increased traffic during morning drop off. To help alleviate congestion in the morning, we are proposing the following system. Students in Grades 4K, 3-5: Drop Off on Cothern St Coming off Front St… Continue Reading Elementary School Morning Drop Off Update: January 6, 2021
Elementary Event: Meet and Greet with Teaching Interns
On Tuesday, December 22 at 6:30 P.M., the elementary school will be hosting a virtual meet and greet with our teaching interns. Click here or select the button below to add this event to your calendar. The Zoom information is included in the notes. We have hired four teachers from the University of Wisconsin-Platteville to… Continue Reading Elementary Event: Meet and Greet with Teaching Interns
Elementary School Transition Plan – December 2020
With the district’s decision to come back to four days of in-person instruction beginning January 4, 2021, we are preparing for this new situation. Our goal is to make the transition process as seamless and as safe as possible while acknowledging that this change will be a challenge. First, an overview: The schools will facilitate… Continue Reading Elementary School Transition Plan – December 2020
Sense of Excitement

by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright If you take a ride through town right now, you will see many homes have been decorated for the upcoming holiday season. The recent warm weather has made it easy for families to get outside. In your travels, I hope you have had a chance to drive past the elementary school. … Continue Reading Sense of Excitement
Virtual Learning: What It Can Be
During a virtual lesson, one student asked: “Why do we have to be on Zoom?” She preferred to be back in school. “I know how you feel,” I responded. “I would rather be learning in person, too.” Risking a “In my day…” story, I shared the available technologies when I started teaching: Apple 2E computers… Continue Reading Virtual Learning: What It Can Be
Elementary School Virtual Learning Expectations
MPES families, We hope this post finds you well as we transition to virtual-only instruction. To help provide clarity, the expectations below were adapted from another school to describe student expectations during virtual instruction for our school. Please refer to these statements as a guide for success in school. Teachers understand that they have some… Continue Reading Elementary School Virtual Learning Expectations

by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright November brings us closer to the end of 2020 and a time when we look forward to being with our families, however that might look this year. Thanksgiving is soon upon us, and Christmas is just a little farther away. It is also a time when we can reflect on the… Continue Reading Together
Principal’s Post: Elementary Update – October 26, 2020
Hello Mineral Point Elementary School families, We hope you are doing as well as you can at this time. The teachers and staff think about you often, including your health and well-being. As we prepared today to transition to our hybrid model of instruction tomorrow, I realized that it has been over a month since… Continue Reading Principal’s Post: Elementary Update – October 26, 2020
Budget Season

by Mitch Wainwright For all school districts throughout the state, October is the time to finalize the budget and set the tax levy. The Mineral Point Unified School District will have a second meeting in October to finalize our budget. With so much uncertainty, it was very difficult to plan for this school year. With… Continue Reading Budget Season