Hello Mineral Point Elementary School families,

We hope you are doing as well as you can at this time. The teachers and staff think about you often, including your health and well-being.

As we prepared today to transition to our hybrid model of instruction tomorrow, I realized that it has been over a month since I last communicated with you beyond our weekly school newsletter. A day can feel like a week in our current situation, yet time can get away from us.

Next are a few updates to be aware of regarding what is happening and what is coming up.

Parent-Teacher Conferences Rescheduled

Our annual fall meeting with families was originally scheduled for Wednesday, November 4. With the disruptions we have experienced this year, we have rescheduled this event for Wednesday, November 18.

Your child’s teacher will be reaching out to you in the near future to set up a time to talk. You will have a choice of either a phone call or a Zoom chat. (In-person meetings will not be held.) Expect some reporting on how your child is doing academically, as well as a request for feedback on how everything is going for you.

Welcoming Schools Staff Training

Last Friday during our professional development day, we brought in two representatives from the Welcoming Schools organization via Zoom. The purpose for our time together was to learn more as a school about gender inclusiveness and how we as a community can better ensure every student feels safe as well as a sense of belonging. This experience included current information on gender, identity, and how to avoid stereotyping.

You can learn more about this topic at the link below. Teachers may be implementing resources and lessons into the curriculum in the near future that address these facets of our students’ and families’ lives.


Phase 2 Plan

Members of the school board have asked for a Phase 2 plan that would involve bringing students back to in-person instruction four days a week. This plan is in between our current hybrid model and five days a week of school as we had in the past.

As of right now, this plan is on hold as the number of positive COVID-19 cases continues to rise in our county and our state. One possibility is to transition to Phase 2 at the semester. Anticipating this potential shift, our school has applied to hire teacher interns. They would be similar to student teachers, at the end of their undergraduate education studies, who would likely lead virtual instruction for families that opted for it. This is only an FYI as the application is pending and many things can change from now until the semester.

Take care,

Matt Renwick


Matt has served for over 20 years in public education. He started as a 5th and 6th grade teacher in a country school outside of Wisconsin Rapids, WI. After seven years of teaching, Matt served as an assistant principal, athletic director, and building principal all in Wisconsin Rapids. As an elementary principal in his fifth year with the Mineral Point Unified School District, he enjoys working with students, staff, and families in a collective pursuit of continuous learning.