With more students back in the building, along with less students using bus services plus a later opening (7:45), we are noticing increased traffic during morning drop off.

To help alleviate congestion in the morning, we are proposing the following system.

Students in Grades 4K, 3-5: Drop Off on Cothern St

  • Coming off Front St to Cothern St, drop off in front of the main entrance of the school.
  • Avoid stopping by the gym; students can walk up the sidewalk to that entrance.
  • Refrain from parking for any longer than necessary.
  • Continue along Cothern assuming traffic is light the rest of the way.

Students in Grades K-2: Drop Off in Lower Parking Lot

  • Coming off of 5th St, drop off at the steps in the parking lot.
  • Follow the same pathway for pick up after school.
  • Leave the way you came in, exiting to the right toward 5th St.

Anticipated Question: What if I have children in both grade bands?

  • If all your children are in 2nd grade or below, please use the lower parking lot for morning drop off.
  • If your children are in 3-5 and K-2, please use the Cothern St drop off process.

The plan for next year is to utilize the lower parking lot for all family drop off and pick up. In the meantime, thank you for your flexibility as we strive to make this year as safe and as seamless an educational experience as possible.