Elementary Update, January 2022: Our Condolences; Reminder About Visitors; Diverse Books in Classrooms; Parent Educational Partnership Update
Hello MPES Families, We were heartbroken when we learned that two of our community firefighters, Brian Busch and Jim Ludlum, died while reporting to a call. The teachers, staff and students send our sincerest condolences to the families and the fire department. In a small community, this type of situation impacts so many people. Brian’s… Continue Reading Elementary Update, January 2022: Our Condolences; Reminder About Visitors; Diverse Books in Classrooms; Parent Educational Partnership Update
Winter Weather is Here

by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright I hope everyone had an opportunity to enjoy time with family and friends during the holidays and that your New Year is off to a good start. There was no white Christmas, but to no one’s surprise, the snow started to fall soon after. It also would not surprise anyone… Continue Reading Winter Weather is Here
Elementary Update, November/December 2021: Digital Learning; Data Retreat; Family Involvement
Hello MPES families, For educators, November and December is almost one month. With the holidays along with related events, it feels like it goes by quickly. Hopefully we all get a chance to catch our collective breaths over the winter break. Next are a few updates from the building. (As a friendly reminder, no parking… Continue Reading Elementary Update, November/December 2021: Digital Learning; Data Retreat; Family Involvement
Board of Education Dedication

by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright Every school district in Wisconsin needs people committed to serving on their respective Boards of Education. Mineral Point is no different. This is the time of the year when incumbents must decide if they wish to seek re-election. The timeline for an incumbent is December 24th, if they do not wish… Continue Reading Board of Education Dedication
School Funding Rollercoaster

By Superintendent Mitch Wainwright If you did not watch the school board meeting that took place Oct 25, 2021, you missed the board certifying the levy. This isn’t an exciting event and is generally not filled with a great deal of controversy. It is an important meeting for the taxpayers and determines the mill rate… Continue Reading School Funding Rollercoaster
Elementary Update, October 2021: Veterans Day; Parent-Teacher Conferences; Parking; and Moving Toward Independence
Happy Friday to all MPES families! Even though it is two days away from Halloween, the staff and faculty do a nice job of engaging the students in academic tasks. For example, students are given time to independently read texts from the classroom library and the LMC. We know that not everyone celebrates these types… Continue Reading Elementary Update, October 2021: Veterans Day; Parent-Teacher Conferences; Parking; and Moving Toward Independence
School Board Week

by Mitch Wainwright This is Wisconsin School Board Week. October 3rd through the 9th is the week where we can publicly recognize the efforts our local school board members give and offer our support and thanks for the job they do. When we step back and look at the time, energy, and commitment that a school board… Continue Reading School Board Week
Elementary Update: September 2021 (building project; open house; and pandemic response)
Hello MPES families! The school year has started well. We certainly have multiple updates yet to make with the building project, but we are overall pleased with the results. I hope you can join us for Open House on Wednesday, October 6 from 5-7 P.M. Also a constant in our lives is our response to… Continue Reading Elementary Update: September 2021 (building project; open house; and pandemic response)
Nervous Energy

by Superintendent Mitch Wainwright Every year there is some nervous energy when the new school year is about to begin. For students it may be “Will my teacher like me?” “Will I like my teacher?” “Will my friends be in the same classes I am?” For staff members there are just as many questions. “Do… Continue Reading Nervous Energy
Elementary Update: August 2021
Hello MPES families, In spite of all our challenges, we are looking forward to seeing everyone in September! The building project is progressing and the teachers are putting in lots of time to get the classrooms ready for students. As we prepare for a new year, I wanted to share some updates for the first… Continue Reading Elementary Update: August 2021