The Mineral Point Kiwanis Club honored its September Students of the Month at its meeting Tuesday, September 17.

The students, who are members of the Senior class, are selected for this honor through a voting process by staff at the high school, and their biographies are written by themselves.

These are the first Students of the Month for the 2024-25 school year.

Matthew Goninen

Matthew Goninen is the youngest child of Timm and Beth Goninen. Born in 2006, he has lived west of Mineral Point his entire life. He has two older siblings, Justin and Hannah; two siblings-in-law, Marisa and Brady; and three nieces and nephews; Hudson, Olive, and Layla.

Matthew has been a student in the Mineral Point Unified School District his entire life. He has been president of the Mineral Point Future Business Leaders of America for the past two years and served on the State Executive Council as a Junior. He is a Captain of the Forensics team, the Captain of the Wisconsin Civics Games team, and the President of the National Honor Society. He has been Class President all four years of high school and is serving as this year’s Student Body President. He was named Freshman Student of the Year, was a FBLA Broadcast Journalism National Finalist, is an Advanced Placement Scholar, and was one of Wisconsin’s Boys Nation Delegates in 2024.

One of the biggest parts of Matthew’s high school career has been Pointer Media. Since helping start the organization as a 7th grader, Matthew has spent the past many years as the Executive Director of the program. He launched MPTV in 2020 and has added commentary, commercials, theme music, and custom graphics to his broadcasts. He has run the Blue Crew social media pages since early 2021 and served as the Pointer Media webmaster since the program’s inception. He is the Executive Producer of Wake Up Mineral Point, works as the media business manager, has helped with yearbook design and layout, and leads gameday operation (including designing the programs, creating the warmup music mixes, and operating the video board) for the football, volleyball, and basketball teams.

Outside of school, Matthew aims to stay involved in the community. Since the summer of 2022, he has contributed to the Dodgeville Chronicle and Democrat Tribune. He started working with the Mineral Point Chamber of Commerce as a Social Media Strategist and Creator in late 2023 and has started working as a Sports Play-by-Play Announcer with QueenB Radio this year. 

Upon graduation, Matthew plans to attend a four-year university to study Computer Science. Beyond college, Matthew hopes to attend law school.

Matthew would like to thank the Kiwanis for this honor and congratulate his long-time friend Taitin Riley on also receiving the honor of September Student of the Month. Matthew would also like to thank the professional educators of Mineral Point High School who have gone above and beyond to make his high school experience remarkable. He would like to remind his teachers that the dedication they put in year-round does not go unnoticed by him and his classmates. He would also like to give special thanks to Mrs. Kristin Staver; even with the long nights at media days, stressful live Wake Up Mineral Point shows, technical difficulties at games, and never-ending to-do lists, Mrs. Staver continues to dedicate her life to helping Matthew and his fellow media students grow their program. Her leadership, mentorship, and positive attitude are greatly appreciated. Finally, he would like to thank his family for their constant support.

“Matthew Goninen has an incredible gift of excelling in everything he does, and it’s inspiring to watch him thrive in every area. Matthew, your dedication and involvement to our school and community are unmatched, and your contributions make a real difference. It’s amazing how you balance so much and still bring joy, kindness, and humility to everything you are involved in and working towards. You achieve greatness without ever making it about yourself, and that’s what makes you truly exceptional. It is truly difficult to imagine our school without your physical presence each day, but the contributions you have made will last for years to come. I wish you continued success and cannot wait to see what you do in your next chapter.” ~ Mrs. Erika Brunson, Middle/High School Counselor

“Congratulations, Matthew!  You are very deserving of this recognition.  You have been an absolute joy to work with both in class and outside of class.  Your ambition and willingness to take on any challenge will take you far in life.  Keep it up!” ~ Mr. Jason Smith, High School English Teacher

“I had the joy of having Matthew in my classroom in both Kindergarten and 5th Grade. His inquisitive mind and cheerful disposition were apparent every single day. Matthew was always kind and helpful to his peers and the adults in the building. He could drive his own learning and was always ready for the next challenge. One of the challenges he took on in 5th Grade was helping others become the best version of themselves. Through his friendship, modeling, and go-getter attitude, he helped others challenge themselves and want to be their best — which eventually led to an experiment with hatching insects in my classroom. Ewwww!  Watching him grow and learn through middle school and high school has been a joy. I did not doubt that he would pave new ways, excel in many ways, and always have that smile on his face. Keep on being you, Matthew! Smile and enjoy the ride!” ~ Mrs. Laurie Heimsoth, 5th Grade Teacher

“Matthew Goninen has been involved in school district business from the time he was in middle school, serving as a student representative on a board ad hoc committee to now as a student representative on the school board.  He is such a great role model for everyone in the district.  He is dedicated to pursuing his passion, both in the classroom and outside the educational system.  Matthew is destined to do great things in his life, and I am proud to tell anyone that he was a student at Mineral Point!” ~ Mr. Mitch Wainwright, Superintendent

“Matthew Goninen is an extraordinary young man with lots of talents. Matthew has been an awesome student since he came to Kindergarten all those years ago. He has always been an excellent friend and shows kindness towards everyone around him. He is a wonderful speaker and it has been a joy listening to him commentate Pointer athletics on the radio!  I am excited to see what Matthew’s future brings – we know it will be bright! Congratulations, Matthew, on becoming one of September’s Students of the Month!  Have a great Senior year!” ~ Mrs. Jill McGuire, Kindergarten Teacher

“Matthew has helped to take the Mineral Point media program to a whole new level.  Not only does he have great ideas, but he is able to see them through to completion.  He has played a key role in our video board, new athletics website, sports collage, Wake Up Mineral Point, and other media productions, just to name a few things, spending countless hours to help make these things possible.  Matthew is not only an outstanding student but he has played a leadership role in our student government and in our clubs and organizations. Matthew is this year’s Student Body President and this past summer he became the first Mineral Point student ever to attend the prestigious Boys Nation in Washington DC.  He will be difficult to replace at Mineral Point when that time comes, but I am excited to see what the future holds for Matthew.” ~ Mr. Dan Burreson, High School Social Studies Teacher

“Matthew is an unbelievable student whose intelligence and organization set him apart in both the classroom and beyond. (Seriously, his organization skills are absolutely insane!) He consistently achieves near perfect marks in all subjects, which demonstrates his sharp intellect and insatiable curiosity for learning. Matthew’s peers admire his work ethic and leadership, most specifically through his roles as FBLA President, Student Body President, and as the school’s media wizard. His energy and enthusiasm make Matthew not only a successful student but also an amazing role model for others. It’s hard to think about a school year where there is no Matthew, but there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that he will continue to make the world a better place! Congratulations, Matthew!” ~ Mrs. Valerie Martin, Middle/High School Business Teacher

“Matthew, thank you for your commitment to making Mineral Point a better place and for being a positive role model for your peers and underclassmen.  You have helped us grow in so many different ways from media broadcasting, to website design, to designing the photo wall.  Your ability to work diligently, be reliable, and your overall positive outlook are going to help you immensely at the next level.  It has been a pleasure to have had the opportunity to get to know you.  Congratulations on your selection as the Student of the Month.  Best wishes.” ~ Mr. Matt Austin, High School Principal

“A Chinese proverb notes, ‘Teachers can open the door, but you must enter it yourself.’ Mr. Matthew Goninen not only entered the door I opened for him – he kicked the whole door down! Finding the words to write about this incredible young man has been one of the hardest things I have done in a long time. I can honestly say I have learned more from him in the last three years than I probably taught him (thank God I can still teach him a few things in the English classroom). I have had the pleasure of working with Matthew on the Pointer Council, the Forensics team, and Pointer Media. He is genuinely a one-in-a-million student in the life of a teacher. He has taken Pointer Media to a level that equals programs in the professional world. I sincerely have no clue how I will manage without him in the coming years. He will forever have his mark left on the Mineral Point High School Blue Crew and Media Program, but most of all, my heart. Don’t forget the little people, Sweet Boy, when you conquer the world!” ~ Mrs. Kristin Staver, High School English Teacher

“What a pleasure it has been to learn with you over the years! You have truly made a difference in our school with your hard work and dedication to so many things, but especially the media program. Thank you for helping us tell our stories and pushing the media team to keep learning more. Two of the many things I admire about you are your continuous quest to always be learning more and how you consistently put in the time to master new skills. In addition, you participate in so many other extracurricular areas and do all of this work with a smile on your face. I am really not sure what we are going to do without you here next year! But, I do know that your future looks amazing, and I look forward to seeing all that you accomplish as you chase your dreams. I wish you the best of luck in all you do and hope you will stay in touch with all of us at Mineral Point.” ~ Mrs. Kris McCoy, Middle/High School Librarian

Taitin Riley

Taitin Riley, born in Dodgeville in 2006, is the son of Jenny and Ryan Riley. He is the middle child of two brothers. Tarrin, the eldest, is a Sophomore at the University of Platteville, and Trigg, the youngest, is a Freshman at Mineral Point High School. 

Taitin grew up in the countryside between Darlington and Mineral Point. He attended Darlington Elementary School until 2nd Grade and then open-enrolled in the Mineral Point Unified School District his 3rd Grade year. 

He serves as Vice President of Key Club, an officer for the Spanish Club, an Environmental Wellness Club officer, a four-time student government officer, and Secretary for the National Honor Society. He is also involved in Musical Theatre, Drama Club, Forensics, Mock Trial, Choir, Band, and Future Business Leaders of America. He has been recognized for many great accolades, such as Prom King, Student of the Year, and Spanish Student of the Year in his Sophomore year of high school.

Despite coming from a sports-oriented family, Taitin somehow discovered his passion for the performing arts, which has since become an integral part of his life. He began taking acting lessons at 11, vocal lessons at 13, and dance lessons at 8. However, his dedication to musical theatre became apparent in his Sophomore year of high school when he landed the lead role in “The Drowsy Chaperone.” Since then, he knew he wanted to pursue a musical theatre or acting career, and he can not wait for the community to see him portray Edward in “Big Fish” for his final musical at Mineral Point. When not performing, you can catch Taitin reading, hanging out with friends, watching movies, or relaxing on his pontoon.

After high school, Taitin plans to attend a four-year university but is still determining the location. As for the major, Taitin intends to double major in Political Science and Musical Theatre and then achieve his Ph.D., where he can teach as a college professor. 

He would like to give a massive congratulations to his long-time friend Matthew for achieving this honor. Good luck in your future endeavors, Matthew; I know you will do great things! Taitin would also like to thank all his teachers and counselors who have ignited his passion for education and learning. Last but certainly not least, he would like to thank his family and friends for always supporting him. 

“Taitin Riley is a rare blend of talent and unwavering character. His integrity shines through in both art and actions. Taitin, your grace on stage is matched only by your kindness off stage. You care deeply for others, and it shows in everything you do. You bring such authenticity to your performances, and it’s clear that your hard work and dedication are behind every moment. Your hard work has led to amazing achievements, and you continue to set a standard of excellence for others to follow. Thank you for being such a well-rounded role model and for creating spaces where all students are seen, heard, and valued. I will miss you dearly next year, but know you are going to make such a difference in this world.” ~ Mrs. Erika Brunson, Middle/High School Counselor

“I am pleased to congratulate Taitin Riley on becoming one of the first Seniors to be recognized!  Taitin became a proud Pointer during his elementary years. I recall his grandpa being so proud that the Riley boys were going to be Pointers!  Taitin has been a fresh face since the beginning.  He is always kind and courteous. I know that he is also very talented and courageous. His acting in our school musicals and plays is exceptional!  Taitin is an all-around great student and I am not surprised to see his success.  Good luck in the future, Taitin and best wishes for an awesome Senior year!” ~ Mrs. Jill McGuire, Kindergarten Teacher

“Congratulations Taitin!  You are very deserving of this recognition.  It has been such a delight to get to work with you in Forensics, Drama Club, Musical Theatre, and of course the classroom.  You are one of the hardest working students I have had.  Keep it up!  That determination will take you places!” ~ Mr. Jason Smith, High School English Teacher

“Taitin was in my 5th Grade class. At first, he was a bit shy and quiet but it didn’t take long for his delightful and funny personality to shine. He loved to make people laugh and enjoyed being with his peers at all times — yes, sometimes being the class clown. Taitin could befriend anyone and was always rooting for the underdog. He worked hard and put in the effort needed to excel. He loved debate and became very good at speaking in front of the class — not surprising, right? One of my fondest memories of Taitin was the day that he was going to Matthew’s house after school. He was so excited, like right over the back of the classroom couch excited. He talked about it and smiled ALL DAY LONG. Then the next day I got the play-by-play of the entire evening. I knew that Taitin’s personality would lead him to greatness. Taitin I wish you the very best and am happy to have been a small part of your journey.” ~ Mrs. Laurie Heimsoth, 5th Grade Teacher

“Congratulations Taitin on being selected as a Student of the Month for September.  I can’t wait to see your performances this year in the musical and play as you have shined in each role over the past four years.  Your ability to stay focused, work hard, and problem-solve will serve you well as you take the next step on your journey.  You have been and continue to be an outstanding, kind, and caring individual and have been a wonderful role model for underclassmen.  I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you as you chase your dreams.  Best of luck.” ~ Mr. Matt Austin, High School Principal

“What a joy it has been to be your teacher and work with you in Forensics, Book Club, Sources of Strength, and so much more. I love how you are always questioning while you learn, and how you work so hard to get a character just right when you perform. Thank you for sharing your many talents and strengths in so many leadership areas in our school. You have truly made an impact here, and I know you will continue to do so this year and in the future. I hope you have a wonderful Senior year as you continue to strive toward achieving all of your dreams. I wish you the very best in all you do and hope you will keep in touch.” ~ Mrs. Kris McCoy, Middle/High School Librarian

“Known for his infectious friendliness and tireless work ethic, Taitin Riley shines both in and out of the classroom. It has been an absolute joy to not only have Taitin as a student, but to watch him bring his passion for drama to every performance, captivating audiences with his unbelievable dedication and talent. Whether on stage or lending a helping hand to classmates, Taitin exemplifies the spirit of student excellence. Congratulations on this well-deserved recognition!” ~ Mrs. Cindi Nothem, High School Math Teacher

“‘There is real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment’ – Norman Vincent Peale. Taitin is truly one of the most positive students I have had the pleasure to work with. He is always willing to go the extra mile and does it with so much enthusiasm that he inspires others to do the same. I thoroughly enjoyed my time working with him in the classroom because of his constant engagement and drive to better himself. Working with Taitin on the Forensics team and on the Pointer Council has also been a joy because these are venues where his creativity shines. I can’t wait to see what your future holds, and I am so proud to say I was able to play a small role in your growth!” ~ Mrs. Kristin Staver, High School English Teacher

“Taitin Riley has demonstrated amazing dedication to the music department throughout his high school career. He has participated in nearly all musical extra curricular activities that our district offers. Taitin has always displayed a strong desire to improve his craft, and has opted to take on new musical opportunities during his Senior year by joining the marching, concert, and pep bands. I have particularly enjoyed witnessing his development within the Musical Theatre Club. For his role in ‘Chicago,’ he earned the award for Most Prepared Ensemble and Dance, for his first lead role in ‘The Drowsy Chaperone,’ he earned the award for Most Engaging and Commitment, for his role in ‘Into the Woods,’ he earned Most Dedicated, and I am excited to see how he continues to grow in his craft in this year’s production of ‘Big Fish.’ Taitin has always represented our department and school well by participating in choir tours and competitions, and this year he intends to partake in the UW-Platteville Honors Choir, Luther College Dorian Festival, and UW-Milwaukee Vocal Arts Festival. Taitin’s multifaceted talents, ability to balance varying interests, and consideration towards others have always been models for his peers, and they will be missed when he starts the next chapter of his life.” ~ Mrs. Ashley Calderon-McHugh, Middle/High School Choir Teacher

(Goninen photo taken by Madisyn Heim, Riley photo taken by Ann Gorgen)