On March 23rd and 24th, Mineral Point FFA hosted the District 12 FFA Speaking Contest virtually. There were 11 participants from Mineral Point competing against FFA members from seven other schools. Nine of the 11 MP speakers qualified to move on to the next level which is the Sectional competition!
The 8th grade Quiz Bowlers that competed were Annie Robinson, Ellie Robinson, Laci Lindsey, Payton Heins, and Izzy Dannenberg. They placed 2nd and qualified for Sectionals. In the Quiz Bowl Contest, 8th grade FFA members compete against teams from other schools to answer questions about FFA facts. It is the first speaking competition open to them in their FFA career.
Joey Robinson placed 2nd in the Job Interview Contest and qualified for Sectionals. The Job Interview Contest is a very practical contest that has the FFA member interview for an agricultural related job, as well as prepare a resume and cover letter for that job.
In Extemporaneous Speaking, Daniel Nordstrom placed 1st and Rita Wilson placed 2nd; both will move on to Sectionals. The Extemporaneous Contest consists of a student drawing an agricultural related topic and preparing a 4-6 minute speech on that topic, after being given 30 minutes to prepare.
In Prepared Speaking, Ellie Janetka placed 1st and will move on to Sectionals. In the Prepared Contest, FFA members memorize an agricultural related speech of 6-8 minutes and present it to a panel of judges.
In the Creed Speaking Contest, Ella James placed 4th and Regan Schuette placed 5th. The Creed Contest involves reciting the FFA Creed from memory and answering a series of questions about the Creed.
Mineral Point FFA was represented very well at the District Contest and did an outstanding job. Congratulations! The Sectional FFA Speaking Contest will be held on May 12th at River Ridge.