The school district and community are excited about holding Mental Health Matters Week coming up in May, bringing awareness to this important topic.
Iowa County Mental Health Matters Events
Mental Health Matters Monday, May 3
- Highland Blackhawk Lake, free admission for self guided trail walks 3:00pm-6:00pm
- Darlington Library pick up a Swag Bag 3:30-5:00p
- MP: Swag Bags handed outside from 3:45 – 5:15 at: MP Library Park, Point Foods, Hook’s Cheese
- Lancaster Library, Tea Light to take, “Be the light in somebody’s Darkness”
- Barneveld Library, “Be the Light in Somebody’s Darkness”, luminaries
- Deadline for T-shirt Design Contest: www.Suicide-IowaCountyWI.org
Self-Care Tuesday, May 4
- Barneveld Library, offering free Journals
- (High Barre Zumba canceled)
Kindness Wednesday, May 5
- MP Library, decorate a rock with quotes and images of kindness
- Highland Blackhawk Lake, Pontoon Cruise @ 3:00pm-6:00pm (weather permitting) meet at rental boat dock limited 12 per boat ride (Handicapped accessible)
- Cobb Library, Random Act of Kindness Tree 4:00- 7:00
- Barneveld Library, Random Act of Kindness Tree
Thoughtful Thursday, May 6
- MP Library, “Thinking of You” cards, to decorate and share with someone.
- MP Train Depot, Nature walk (weather permitting) on ATV Trail 5:00pm (Handicapped accessible). All participants entered to win 1 of 10 free T-Shirt.
- Dodgeville Harris Park, basketball courts @ 6:00pm. Free Yoga sponsored by Exhale Fitness. All participants will win 1 free classes at Exhale FItness (weather permitting)
- Dodgeville Governor Dodge @ 7:30pm, Nature Walk Sponsored by Exhale Fitness. Meet at front gate (Park Sticker is needed)(weather permitting)
- Barneveld Library, Leaves of Love. Write a message of love and add it to the tree.
Stigma Reduction Friday, May 7
- Iowa County: Wear your Mental Health Matters or Suicide Prevention Shirt
Memorial Day Weekend May 29 -June 11
- Suicide Shoe Memorial: Desiree’s Hair Salon 246 High Street Mineral Point for more information go to www.suicide-iowacountywi.org
(MP Mental Health logo by Senior Rylee Calvert)