The Board continued to review the current instructional model at its regular March monthly meeting.
Video link: https://youtu.be/NSWKPfr__VA
Currently, students are in-person four days per week. Wednesdays are used for virtual instruction, connections with all-virtual students, staff collaboration, as well as enrichment and remedial activities for students.
A motion was made to return to a five day traditional in-person schedule beginning the first day of the 4th Quarter (Monday, March 15).
That motion failed by a 5-2 vote with Larry Steffes and Gary Sullivan voting in favor and Andy Busch, Nate Chambers, Aaron Dunn, Joni Heisner, and Everett Lindsey voting against.
Wednesdays will continue to stay as-is for the time being.
(Go to the two hour, one minute mark)
Other Business
— The Board recognized Herb Kohl State Qualifiers Denise Gorgen and Keri Radtke and Winner Matt Renwick, State Individual Wrestling, State Team Wrestling, and State Girls Basketball. (This begins the meeting video)
— Tim Ruppert from HSR provided the Board with an update on the elementary renovation project. To view the presentation, please visit: https://mineralpointschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2021-03-08-Board-Meeting.pdf
(Go to the 34 minute, 45 second mark)
— An election timeline update was provided for the Tuesday, April 6 election. More information can be found here about the March 15 Candidate Forum: https://mineralpointschools.org/2021/03/school-board-candidate-forum/
(Go to the 53 minute, 30 second mark)
— High School Principal Matt Austin shared an update regarding the combined Junior/Senior Prom scheduled for Saturday, April 17. (Go to the 55 minute mark)
— The Board held first readings of the following rules and policies:
– Non-discrimination guidelines related to students who are transgender and non-conforming to gender role stereotypes
– Admission to Kindergarten
– Admission to First Grade
All of these will need to come back before the Board at a future meeting for a second reading and possible action.
(Go to the one hour, three minute, 30 second mark)
— The Board approved additional staffing requests as follows:
– Social/Emotional Learning Coach by unanimous vote
– Special Education Instructor at Options in Education by unanimous vote
– Janitor (80% Elementary, 20% Middle/High) by 6-1 vote with Steffes voting no
(Go to the two hour, 59 minute mark)
— The Board unanimously approved Fund 46 Capital Maintenance projects as presented and agreed to price out a potential sidewalk from the elementary down Cothern Street along the oak savanna. (Go to the two hour, 37 minute mark)
— Superintendent Mitch Wainwright shared his monthly budget update. (Go to the one hour, two minute mark)
— Unanimously approved the bills payable and credit card statement. (Go to the three hour, 55 minute mark)
— The next regular meeting of the Board is scheduled for Monday, April 12 at 6:30 pm.