Mineral Point High School cross country and track athletes participate in a co-op with Dodgeville, which has grown into one of the most successful and dominate programs in the state.
The co-op has brought home nine Division 2 WIAA State trophies and 17 Division 2 WIAA Sectional trophies since 2001.
The trophies the WIAA has awarded the co-op sit at Dodgeville High School, so a fundraiser is underway to raise money for MPHS to fill its new Cross Country and Track & Field trophy case with twin trophies. Countless Pointer athletes of the past decades have run for the Dodge-Point teams.
The approximate cost of a State trophy is $125. Anyone interested in helping fill the trophy case should contact Joanne Eisenzimmer (eisenzimmer5@wildblue.net or 608-574-4941) or MP Athletic Director Vickie Dahl (vickie.dahl@mp.k12.wi.us or 608-987-0740 ext. 498).