The Mineral Point volleyball team is hosting a Cancer Night on September 22 to raise awareness and funding for patients with all types of cancer. The Cancer Night will take place during their match vs. Iowa Grant. The junior varsity and varsity reserve teams play at 5:45 pm with the varsity match to follow at 7:15 pm.
The team will be selling “Fight All Cancer” shirts with all proceeds going toward gas cards and gift certificates for cancer patients in the area. Shirts can be ordered online at: https://mineralpointfightcancer2016.itemorder.com/sale The deadline to order shirts is September 9th.
If there is a cancer patient who you would like to nominate to receive a gas or gift card please email their name and address to pointervolleyball@gmail.com or contact a Mineral Point volleyball player.
Everyone is invited to join the Mineral Point volleyball team in the fight against all cancer. It is a special night where athletes get to play for something bigger than themselves.