Football season ends at Darlington

The Pointer football team suffered a season-ending loss Saturday at Darlington in Level II of the WIAA Division 6 playoffs. This was the first playoff berth for Mineral Point since 2010 and the Pointers were victorious in their opening round game at Deerfield last week. 

Dissection Day

Students in Tom Steger’s biology classes spent the day dissecting fetal pigs.

eMPathy Tshirts

eMPathy Empathy means the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Wouldn’t our school and our world be a better place if everyone were able to display more empathy? Empathy is innate in many people but it is also a concept and ability that can be taught and nurtured. To work towards our… Continue Reading eMPathy Tshirts

Vote For Your Public Schools

  As Election Day approaches, there are a number of vitally important issues facing Wisconsin that have potential long-term consequences for our state.  I encourage all voters to think about the future of public schools in their communities. Wisconsin has a strong tradition of first class public schools.  We all know that high quality public… Continue Reading Vote For Your Public Schools

Electronic Use Policy / Vehicle Registration Form

All high school students are required to fill out an Electronic Use Agreement, as well as the Vehicle Registration sheet if they may drive to school. Please print off the following forms, sign, and return to the high school office as soon as possible. Thank you.  files/docs/vehicle-information-sheet-students.pdf files/docs/electronic-use-handbook-change-signature-page.pdf

Government Ch 4 Resources

Government Ch 4 Sec 1 noteguide. Government Ch 4 sec 2-3 noteguide. Government Ch 4 sec 4 noteguide.

FFA Fruit and Local Produce Sale

The Mineral Point FFA and Skills USA are selling fruit and local produce through their annual award-winning fundraiser. If you are interested in purchasing any of the items offered, please contact Mr. Robinson at 608-987-0739, X 474 or an FFA or Skills USA member.  files/docs/fruit-flyer.pdf files/docs/local-produce.pdf  

Rural Schools Funding Press Conference

Recently Dr. Luke Francois, along with area superintendents, was invited to speak to the media about funding challenges for rural schools.  Below is Wisconsin Eye’s broadcast of the press conference.

STEP – Senior Tax Exchange Program

The Senior Tax Exchange Program (STEP) was established by the Mineral Point Unified School District to increase volunteering of senior citizens in the schools. Qualifying senior citizens will receive a small stipend to be used to help reduce their property tax bill. The emphasis of the STEP volunteer program is to provide direct help in… Continue Reading STEP – Senior Tax Exchange Program