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FFA Officer Workshops
The Mineral Point FFA officers have been attending several leadership/work days this summer in order to prepare for the upcoming year of FFA events. The 2015-16 Mineral Point FFA officers are Tommie Loken (President), Steven Blume (Vice President), Morgan Fitzsimmons (Secretary), Katie Fitzsimmons (Treasurer), Eric Heisner (Reporter), and Jake Steffes (Sentinel), along with Mr. Mike… Continue Reading FFA Officer Workshops
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This is a test. This is only a test …
The Effects of Athletics on Academics
The Madison Metropolitan School District is the latest to engage in the discussion on the academic benefits of athletic participation. The district may be the latest, but it’s certainly not the first, and it won’t be the last either, especially in today’s world where schools are required to do more with less money. The debate… Continue Reading The Effects of Athletics on Academics
The Effects Of Athletics On Academics
The Madison Metropolitan School District is the latest to engage in the discussion on the academic benefits of athletic participation. The district may be the latest, but it’s certainly not the first, and it won’t be the last either, especially in today’s world where schools are required to do more with less money. The debate… Continue Reading The Effects Of Athletics On Academics
School Picture Order Form
School Picture Order Form 2015 – Elem
District-Wide Student Registration 2015
This year the Mineral Point School District will be gathering student demographics and forms utilizing Skyward Family Access. Our goal is to allow you to complete tasks so you do NOT have to wait in line. MPSD will have two days at the Middle/High School Gymnasium, August 6 andAugust 18 to allow you to utilize… Continue Reading District-Wide Student Registration 2015
Special July Board Meeting
The Mineral Point School Board held a very brief special meeting the morning of Monday, July 27 and took action on two items. Present were Larry Dolphin, Matt Lindsey, Julie Stephenson, Lisa Hay over the phone, and Jeff Basting. Absent were Glenn Kinch and Larry Steffes. The District recommended awarding Farmers Savings Bank as the… Continue Reading Special July Board Meeting
Special July board meeting
The Mineral Point School Board held a very brief special meeting the morning of Monday, July 27 and took action on two items. Present were Larry Dolphin, Matt Lindsey, Julie Stephenson, Lisa Hay over the phone, and Jeff Basting. Absent were Glenn Kinch and Larry Steffes. The District recommended awarding Farmers Savings Bank as the… Continue Reading Special July board meeting
The reason behind Wednesday early releases
As most Mineral Point parents are probably already aware, a change is coming this school year to student schedules. Every Wednesday, students will be dismissed at 2:00 pm. The remaining hours of the school day for teachers will be devoted to Professional Learning Communities (PLCs). If the Mineral Point School District has decided to invest… Continue Reading The reason behind Wednesday early releases