FFA Officer Workshops

The Mineral Point FFA officers have been attending several leadership/work days this summer in order to prepare for the upcoming year of FFA events. The 2015-16 Mineral Point FFA officers are Tommie Loken (President), Steven Blume (Vice President), Morgan Fitzsimmons (Secretary), Katie Fitzsimmons (Treasurer), Eric Heisner (Reporter), and Jake Steffes (Sentinel), along with Mr. Mike… Continue Reading FFA Officer Workshops

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Special July Board Meeting

The Mineral Point School Board held a very brief special meeting the morning of Monday, July 27 and took action on two items. Present were Larry Dolphin, Matt Lindsey, Julie Stephenson, Lisa Hay over the phone, and Jeff Basting. Absent were Glenn Kinch and Larry Steffes. The District recommended awarding Farmers Savings Bank as the… Continue Reading Special July Board Meeting

Special July board meeting

The Mineral Point School Board held a very brief special meeting the morning of Monday, July 27 and took action on two items.  Present were Larry Dolphin, Matt Lindsey, Julie Stephenson, Lisa Hay over the phone, and Jeff Basting. Absent were Glenn Kinch and Larry Steffes. The District recommended awarding Farmers Savings Bank as the… Continue Reading Special July board meeting