Football Team Honored at Banquet for 1st SWAL Title Since 1991

The Mineral Point football team was honored for its outstanding season at a banquet Thursday, November 30. The varsity team claimed the SWAL Conference title for the first time since 1991 and advanced to the 3rd round of the WIAA playoffs. The junior varsity was also honored for their undefeated season. Individual varsity honors include:… Continue Reading Football Team Honored at Banquet for 1st SWAL Title Since 1991

Elementary School Capacity & Accessibility Committee

After reviewing survey information and related observations and discussions regarding elementary school capacity and accessibility, the Board of Education voted to create an Ad Hoc Committee to further study the matter and make final recommendations.   Meetings at the elementary school will be limited to once or twice per month commencing late December and conclude… Continue Reading Elementary School Capacity & Accessibility Committee

Doyle is WI Ag in the Classroom Teacher of the Year

Livia Doyle, a fourth grade teacher at Mineral Point Elementary School, is this year’s recipient of the Outstanding Teacher Award from the Wisconsin Farm Bureau’s Ag in the Classroom program. Each year the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Foundation recognizes a teacher for their efforts educating students on the importance of agriculture. Teachers of all grade levels… Continue Reading Doyle is WI Ag in the Classroom Teacher of the Year

Shrek the Musical

The Mineral Point High School Musical Theatre Program is preparing to present “Shrek the Musical” December 8-10 at the Opera House. Friday and Saturday showtimes are 7 pm and Sunday’s is at 2 pm. Tickets are available at Berget Jewelers and online at They will also be available at the door. Based on the… Continue Reading Shrek the Musical

Math Team Places 2nd at UWP Contest

The Mineral Point High School Math Team placed 2nd in Division 4 at the recent UW-Platteville competition. Earning individual awards for their scores were: Cody Pierce, Haakon Schriefer, Will Straka, and Morgan Vondra. Congrats to all!

MP Ranked #2 K-12 District in Wisconsin

The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction has released state report cards, based on 2016-17 school data. The Mineral Point Unified School District has scored a 90.7, which places it into the Significantly Exceeds Expectations category, a five star rating. When looking at K-12 districts statewide, Mineral Point ranks 2nd behind Sevastopol with 94.5 (some districts… Continue Reading MP Ranked #2 K-12 District in Wisconsin

Board Honors Businesses

The Mineral Point School Board began its meeting Monday night by honoring three business named to the 2017 Wisconsin Association of School Boards Business Honor Roll. (Scroll past the video for more article text) Honored were: Farmers Implement Store, Gorgen Funeral Services, and Mineral Point Opera House. Farmers Implement Store has been a vital part… Continue Reading Board Honors Businesses

MPMS 1st Quarter Honor Roll

Mineral Point Middle School is proud to announce its First Quarter Honor Roll for the 2017-18 school year. HIGH HONORS Sixth Grade: Malea Aschliman, Abigail Backes, Madigan Chitwood, Charles Davee, Elizabeth Dunn, Gracelyn Foster, Derek Hottenstein, Estella James, Morgan Palzkill, Brady Radtke, Alex Ross, Addison Ryser, Regan Schuette, Landon Thousand, Bryce Vamstad, Abigail Webb, Eleanor… Continue Reading MPMS 1st Quarter Honor Roll