Mineral Point School District
Board Approves Hires for New School Year

The Mineral Point School Board held a special meeting Wednesday night to wrap up new hirings for the upcoming school year. Video link: https://youtu.be/gyGjVk2dssg — Approved 6-0 (with Andy Busch absent) the hiring of Chad Martin as Elementary Physical Education Teacher. (Go to the 21 minute mark) — Approved 6-0 (with Busch absent) the hiring… Continue Reading Board Approves Hires for New School Year
#PointerNation Welcomes Amy McDaniel

Amy McDaniel District Psychologist Hometown: Darlington High school graduated from: Darlington College: Amy earned her Bachelors from Cardinal Stritch University in Psychology. She went on to receive her Masters from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in Educational Psychology. She has also received certification through the National Association of School Psychologists. Previous employment: Most recently, Amy was the School… Continue Reading #PointerNation Welcomes Amy McDaniel
August School Board Notes & Votes

Following closed session at Monday night’s regular School Board meeting, the Board unanimously approved by a 6-0 vote (with Joni Heisner absent) the hiring of Tom Ingwell as the next Elementary Principal. Mr. Ingwell has been employed with the District since January 2018 as an Elementary Physical Education Teacher and was previously a Pointer from… Continue Reading August School Board Notes & Votes
Elementary Again Recognized as Model PLC

Mineral Point Elementary School was recently recognized once again by Solution Tree for its sustained success in raising student achievement! The school’s successful implementation of the Professional Learning Communities at Work ® process was a major contributing factor in the improved achievement of its students. PLCs are schools and districts in which educators recognize the… Continue Reading Elementary Again Recognized as Model PLC
Registration 2023-24
2023-2024 Registration It’s that time of year again. Registration is now open! You are able to update Student Demographics online in Family Access. You will need to have your username and password. You will only be able to access this area in Family Access using your account information, not your child’s… Continue Reading Registration 2023-24
Board Approves Before & After School Care Program

By a unanimous vote, at its regular monthly meeting Monday, the School Board approved a new before and after school care program for Mineral Point 4K through 5th grade students. Stay tuned for more information on the fee and payment structure, as well as enrollment info for the upcoming school year. Pointer Kids Club is… Continue Reading Board Approves Before & After School Care Program
Board Votes for Scott Schmitz Community Gym

At its regular monthly June meeting, the School Board agreed to approve a request naming the middle/high school gymnasium in honor of Scott Schmitz, longtime physical education teacher and head wrestling coach (he has also been an assistant golf and volleyball coach through the years). Go to the one hour, 28 minute mark of the… Continue Reading Board Votes for Scott Schmitz Community Gym
Dunn Again Elected Board President

At the School Board’s regular monthly meeting Monday, the Board held its annual organizational meeting. (Go to the 19 minute mark of the video) Video link: https://youtu.be/Zi3touaT3YI The following officers were elected unanimously: Aaron Dunn, President; Joni Heisner, Vice President; Will Harris, Clerk; and Justin Skelding, Treasurer. Committees were named as follows: — Operation: Skelding,… Continue Reading Dunn Again Elected Board President
Busch, Heisner Take Oaths

The Mineral Point School Board held a special meeting Monday, April 24, at which time, members Andy Busch and Joni Heisner both took the Oath of Office for another three-year term. (This begins the meeting video) Video link: https://youtu.be/Xu3BtLqd0Ds Other business: — The Board unanimously approved the resignation of Chelsea Edwards, 5th Grade Teacher, at… Continue Reading Busch, Heisner Take Oaths
April School Board Notes and Votes

At Monday’s regular monthly School Board meeting, the Board unanimously approved the retirement notices of Vickie Dahl (Middle School Principal & Middle/High School Athletic Director), Benita Schmitz (Elementary School Special Education Teacher), and Scott Schmitz (Middle/High School Physical Education Teacher). Additionally, the Board unanimously accepted the resignations of Kipalee Bakken (Middle/High School Business Teacher) and… Continue Reading April School Board Notes and Votes