Kohl Awards Seek Nominations

It’s that time of year again–please consider nominating Mineral Point educators for the following awards. They are some of the most prestigious honors that can be earned in the state. Kohl Educational Foundation Fellowship Award:  Teacher nomination forms for the 2017 Herb Kohl Educational Foundation Fellowship award can now be obtained from school district administrators and principals,… Continue Reading Kohl Awards Seek Nominations

August Special School Board Meeting

The Mineral Point School Board held a special meeting Monday evening to address a few pertinent agenda items. (Continue scrolling past the video for more article text)   At the regular August meeting, the Board approved a purchasing policy that states purchases over $5,000, with a few exceptions, must be pre-approved by the Board. Elementary… Continue Reading August Special School Board Meeting

August School Board Meeting

The Mineral Point School Board met Monday evening and took action on a handful of items to help get the start of school ready to roll. (Continue scrolling past the video for more article text) The Board approved high school, middle school, and employee handbook updates. (Go to the one hour 23 minute mark on… Continue Reading August School Board Meeting

July School Board Meeting

The Mineral Point School Board met Monday evening July 11 and approved the preliminary budget for the 2016-17 school year. (To view this portion on the video, go to the one hour, 26 minute mark.) Keep scrolling past the video for more article text. Superintendent Luke Francois said that the Department of Public Instruction released… Continue Reading July School Board Meeting

Projected State Aid Down for 16-17

The $108.1 million bump in state general aid from Wisconsin’s biennial budget means 61 percent of school districts (260 of 424) will see an increase in state aid for the 2016-17 school year, according to estimates released July 1 by the Department of Public Instruction. Unfortunately, the Mineral Point Unified School District is not one… Continue Reading Projected State Aid Down for 16-17

MPMS 4th Quarter Honor Roll

Mineral Point Middle School is pleased to announce its fourth quarter honor roll for the 2015-16 school year. High Honors 6th Grade: Bryce Acherman, Ashlie Baumgartner, Eloise Chambers, Makenna Ferrell, Tanner Goninen, Emily Graber, Bo Hanson, Drew Hottenstein, Miles Houtakker, Lexi Kinch, Mallory Lindsey, Ross Lindsey, Haydn Marr, Trapper Nafzger, Callie Pierce, Brett Roberts, Alyssa… Continue Reading MPMS 4th Quarter Honor Roll

June School Board Meeting

The Mineral Point School Board held its regularly monthly meeting Monday, tackling several large agenda items. Video is posted below. Continue reading past the video for more article text. The Board heard a proposal from Superintendent Luke Francois regarding Mineral Point taking over the CESA #3 Alternative School, which is currently held in the old… Continue Reading June School Board Meeting