Homecoming 2022

Mineral Point School District is anxiously anticipating celebrating its 2022 Homecoming September 26th through October 1st. This year’s theme is “There’s No Place Like Home.” Mineral Point High School Homecoming Court 2022, left to right, front row: Senior Queen Candidate Kennedy Kabat, Senior King Candidate AJ Rury, Senior Queen Candidate Kennedy Wenger, Senior King Candidate… Continue Reading Homecoming 2022

Kohl Nominations Sought

It’s that time of year again–please consider nominating Mineral Point educators for the following awards. They are some of the most prestigious honors that can be earned in the state. Please read below for details on the two categories, Fellowship and Leadership.  The Herb Kohl Foundation annually selects 100 teachers and a maximum of 17… Continue Reading Kohl Nominations Sought

Registration 2022-23

2023-2024 Registration_Publication It’s that time of year again. The Mineral Point School District will be gathering student demographics and forms utilizing Skyward Family Access. Starting July 24, you will be able to update Student Demographics online in Family Access. You will need to have your username and password. You will only be able to access… Continue Reading Registration 2022-23

Lee Repeats as State Trap Champion

The Mineral Point Middle/High School Trap Team competed at the Wisconsin High School Clay Target League State Tournament in Rome Sunday, June 12 in the 2A Division. Congratulations to Brody Lee who claimed the Varsity Individual State Championship for the second straight year, as well as the entire #PointerNation team who finished in 11th place… Continue Reading Lee Repeats as State Trap Champion

224 Years of Service for Retirees

The last day of school is bittersweet, but even more so this year as seven #PointerNation staff members are retiring with a combined total of 224 years of service! It won’t be the same without you! Best wishes and a sincere thank you. — Alf Jacobson, Middle/High School Custodian — Sandy Weitzel, Middle School Instructional… Continue Reading 224 Years of Service for Retirees

Pointers Place 3rd at State Golf

Three cheers for the golf team! For the second year in a row, #PointerNation took 3rd place at the WIAA State Golf meet in Division 3! Kohler successfully defended its state title on its home course with a 643. Cambridge was runner-up at 648. Mineral Point shot 684 over the two days. Individually, Orfordville Parkview’s… Continue Reading Pointers Place 3rd at State Golf

State Golf Information

WIAA STATE GOLF JUNE 6-7 LOCATION Blackwolf Run 1111 W. Riverside Drive Kohler, WI 53044 TEE TIMES Monday, June 6 MP’s first golfer is set to tee off at 1:20 pm. Schedule:  https://www.wiaawi.org/Portals/0/PDF/Sports/Boys_Golf/mondayteetimes.pdf?ver=yPxP9cGsBnbB4OmMFwV4Eg%3d%3d TICKETS Tickets are $9 per day plus online fees, and they are available to be purchased online on the WIAA website through… Continue Reading State Golf Information

State Track & Field Information

STATE TRACK & FIELD JUNE 3-4 LOCATION Veterans Memorial Stadium UW-La Crosse 400 East Avenue N. La Crosse, WI 54601 TICKET INFO Ticket prices for the meet are $11 plus a processing fee for each day of the championships and must be pre-purchased. No tickets will be for sale at the venue. Tickets may be… Continue Reading State Track & Field Information

Pointers are CESA 3 Award Winners

Friday at CESA 3 in Fennimore, WCASS (Wisconsin Council of Administrators of Special Services) presented awards to various Region 3 special services personnel and Mineral Point was honored to receive two awards. Joslen Buckingham received the Region 3 WCASS Student Ambassador Award. Mr. Justin Leonard nominated Josie for this award and shared that Josie moved… Continue Reading Pointers are CESA 3 Award Winners