Projected State Aid Down for 16-17

The $108.1 million bump in state general aid from Wisconsin’s biennial budget means 61 percent of school districts (260 of 424) will see an increase in state aid for the 2016-17 school year, according to estimates released July 1 by the Department of Public Instruction. Unfortunately, the Mineral Point Unified School District is not one… Continue Reading Projected State Aid Down for 16-17

June School Board Meeting

The Mineral Point School Board held its regularly monthly meeting Monday, tackling several large agenda items. Video is posted below. Continue reading past the video for more article text. The Board heard a proposal from Superintendent Luke Francois regarding Mineral Point taking over the CESA #3 Alternative School, which is currently held in the old… Continue Reading June School Board Meeting

May Special School Board Meeting

The Mineral Point School Board met Monday evening to approve hirings for the 2016-17 school year. Before going into closed session, the Board heard from several members of the Elementary Interview Committee in favor of the nomination before the Board, Matt Renwick. An article about Mr. Renwick has been posted here: The group spoke to… Continue Reading May Special School Board Meeting

Wesley Wins State Literary Award

The book 5th grader Brianna Wesley submitted to the 2016 Delta Kappa Gamma Sigma State Mary Jo Nettesheim Memorial Literary Competition was selected by the local Delta Kappa Gamma chapter to be entered at the state level of this competition. At the Sigma State level, her book was selected to receive the Cartoon Illustration Award. The book… Continue Reading Wesley Wins State Literary Award

May School Board Meeting

The first meeting of the 2016-17 edition of the Mineral Point School Board took place Monday night (Scroll past video for more article text): Officer elections were held as follows: Larry Steffes, president; Lisa Hay, vice president; Larry Dolphin, clerk; and Glenn Kinch, treasurer. Angie Schubert was named the Board Secretary. Board meetings will remain… Continue Reading May School Board Meeting

Heritage Night Celebrates Culture

4th graders hosted their annual Heritage Night Thursday, April 21. Students celebrated their family history and cultural diversity with a delicious pot luck, stories, and songs to share. Approximately 200 guests attended. If you were unable to attend, please enjoy the five videos below:

Earth Day Celebrated

First graders put on a program Friday afternoon April 22 for family and friends paying tribute to our planet. If you  missed it live, catch the video stream here: