My experience with F.A.S.T. – Families & Schools Together
Earlier this week, the district shared information about a new parent involvement program called F.A.S.T. It stands for Families & Schools Together. Parents and guardians of Mineral Point School students are encouraged to sign up for this opportunity. This program was offered at my last school where I was the principal. In my experience observing… Continue Reading My experience with F.A.S.T. – Families & Schools Together
Digging into Nonfiction
After administering assessments with our students in the fall, we look for two things: areas to celebrate and areas in which to grow. Our celebrations are many, including and not limited to 84% of our students coming into school where they should be as readers, as well as over 90% of 5th grade students proficient… Continue Reading Digging into Nonfiction
When You Get What You Want, You Lose What You Have

by Luke Francois, Ed.D. Mineral Point is a destination school district. A destination school district to me is a place where, when given choices, families choose to send their children and employees prefer to work. Evidence that Mineral Point is a destination district– In recent years, the number of students open enrolling out is trending… Continue Reading When You Get What You Want, You Lose What You Have
Mineral Point Elementary Homecoming Parade Update
The Mineral Point Homecoming Parade will take place on Thursday, September 28 at 6:15 PM on High Street. To make this event a success WE NEED YOUR HELP. Thank you to those who have already volunteered. Lead Volunteers will report to Water Tower Park by 5:45 and be the point of contact for the grade level they are volunteering… Continue Reading Mineral Point Elementary Homecoming Parade Update
Raising an iGen
In an article for The Atlantic, professor of psychology Jean Twenge offers some stark information about the effects of smartphones on our youngest generation. Referring to this group as “iGen”, these teens and preteens have lived their lives largely with the inclusion of mobile devices available everywhere. Here are a few statistics Dr. Twenge shares… Continue Reading Raising an iGen
Quick Win: Creating a Environment for Readers and Writers
Before the students arrived, our faculty learned how to best prepare a classroom (and school) for students. Specifically, we looked at our classroom and common areas to promote reading and writing. Each teacher stated a personal goal that they would work toward regarding classroom libraries, bulletin boards, and relationship building. Next are some images of our first-week… Continue Reading Quick Win: Creating a Environment for Readers and Writers
Dropping Off and Picking Up: New Signage at the Elementary
We had a successful and smooth first week at Mineral Point Elementary School. The students were excited to be back in class with their peers, teachers, and staff. Last year, we sent out a visual explanation for how parking worked at the end of the day for the lower lot. Click here to review this… Continue Reading Dropping Off and Picking Up: New Signage at the Elementary
Game On!

by Superintendent Luke Francois, Ed.D. Game On! These were the words shared with teaching staff by our facilitator during a two-day training last week on interventions. The training received high marks for content, relatable stories, humor, and inspiration. Mineral Point teachers were well trained and are ready for students to return to buildings. Being ready… Continue Reading Game On!
Are We Talking About That Tree? (The Importance of Clarity)

Two members of the maintenance team stopped me in the high school hallway. “Are you good with us taking down the cedar tree in the front of your building?” When asked, I was 98% sure which tree they were referring to. Steve, our building custodian, and I had discussed last year about removing the tree.… Continue Reading Are We Talking About That Tree? (The Importance of Clarity)
Working in the Trades

by Luke Francois, Ed.D. I grew up in a family where my father was a rough carpenter, and then later, a finish carpenter. My mother grew up in a family landscaping business which afforded me a 40 hour per week job pulling weeds in beds at age 12. After working in a nursery for six… Continue Reading Working in the Trades