Mineral Point High School held its Music Awards Night Sunday, May 8 at the Opera House.
Awards were presented as follows:
Band Most Enthusiastic: Michaela Acherman, freshman; Haakon Schriefer, sophomore; Caleb Kennedy, junior; Logan Bidlingmaier, senior.
Band Most Improved: Megan Berg, freshman; Brianna Wedig, sophomore; Ethan Dickler, junior; Sarah Knapp, senior.
Band Most Outstanding: Brady Palzkill, freshman; Alayna McCarville, sophomore; Addy Chambers, junior; Alexa Sparks, senior.
Section of the Year: Saxophones: Grant Rose, Ireln King, Tess Oberhauser, Kaylee Sparks, Addy Chambers, Morgan Fitzsimmons.
Musical Theatre Award: Justice Hendrick
Louis Armstrong Jazz Award: David Kelm
National School Choral Award: David Kelm
John Philip Sousa Award: Kaylee Sparks
Mineral Point Music Booster Award: Caleb Mitchell
The full photo album is available here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1198140143530951.1073741880.174428552568787&type=3
Congrats, all!