Mineral Point Unified School District voters approved two referenda questions on the November 6, 2018 ballot.
Question 1 asked for $11.92 million to renovate and expand the existing elementary building.
Question 2 asked for $350 thousand recurring for ongoing district operations.
“Thank you, Pointer Nation.
We are grateful for the results of this election and for the ongoing engagement and support of our community. The results affirm the work of many stakeholders in developing these plans for our students, staff, and community.
We take stewardship of our community resources seriously. We are grateful for the trust of our residents. These investments enable us to take important steps forward in addressing critical facility and fiscal needs in our pursuit for continued academic excellence.
We will continue to keep you updated on next steps with regard to the elementary building renovations. Thank you again for being part of our community-driven plan for the future.” ~ Interim Superintendent Mitch Wainwright