Wisconsin Rapids Lincoln High School
1801 16th Street S
Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494
Parking map: https://www.wiaawi.org/Portals/0/PDF/Sports/Gymnastics/2024/State%20Gymnastics%20Parking%20(1).pdf
Dodgeville/Mineral Point/Iowa-Grant/Highland will compete in Division 2
Team (Friday competition)
Individuals (Saturday competition)
– All-Around: Madelyn Klein, Faith Hoffman, Ally Baehler
– Floor Exercise: Faith Hoffman, Ally Baehler
– Uneven Bars: Madelyn Klein, Faith Hoffman
– Balance Beam: Ally Baehler
– Vault: Madelyn Klein
Thursday, March 6
Tentative schedule:
- 7:50 am – departure from Dodgeville High School
- 8:20 am – 8:35 am – Pep Rally in Highland High School
- 9:15 am – 9:30 am – Pep Rally in Iowa-Grant High School
- 9:50 am – 10:00 am – Bus and Vehicle Decorating in the DHS Parking Lot
- 10:00 am – 10:15 am – Photos and Send Off at Dodgeville High School
- 10:20 am – Send Off at Dodgeville Middle School
- 10:2 5am – Send Off at Dodgeville Elementary School
- 10:35 am – Send Off at St. Joe’s Catholic School
- 10:40 am – Vehicle/Fire Truck Parade through downtown Dodgeville
- 11:00 am – Send Off at Mineral Point Middle/High School
- 11:10 am – Send Off at Mineral Point Elementary School
- 11:15 am – Vehicle/Fire Truck Parade through downtown Mineral Point
- 11:45 am – TENTATIVE Vehicle/Fire Truck Parade through downtown Ridgeway
Friday, March 7 – Team Competition
10:30 am – Building opens for competitors
10:45 am – Judges Meeting
11:00-11:30 am – General stretching and bar settings
11:00 am – Facility Opens for Spectators
11:30-11:40 am – All gymnasts gather in balcony for march in preparation
11:45 am – March in
12:00 pm – Competition begins
Saturday, March 8 – Individual Competition
8:30 am – Building Opens for Competitors
9:00-9:30 am – General stretching and bar setting
9:00 am – Facility Opens for Spectators
9:15 am – All gymnasts gather in balcony for march in preparation
9:30 am – March in
10:00 am – Competition begins
Ticket prices for the State Gymnastics Championships are $9 per day plus online fees, and they are available to be purchased on-line on the WIAA website through GoFan, the WIAA ticketing partner, at: https://gofan.co/app/school/WIAA2?activity=Gymnastics
Ages two and under do not need a ticket.
All events of the State Gymnastics Championships will be streamed live and can be viewed with a subscription to the NFHS Network. To purchase a subscription to the live programming for $11.99 per month, log-on to https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/associations/wiaa-wi and click on the subscription button in the header of the page.
Please familiarize yourself with carry in policies: https://www.wiaawi.org/Portals/0/PDF/Tournament%20Central/WIRapids-CarryInPolicy-Jan2025.pdf
At each of the WIAA State Team Tournaments, one school and community is selected to receive the Rural Insurance State Sportsmanship Award, with honorable mention recognition also given to schools who are under consideration for the overall award.
The selection process for the State Tournament Sportsmanship Awards includes input from contest officials, tournament management, police and security personnel, crowd control and ushers, and WIAA Staff members. These observers judge the conduct and sportsmanship of coaches and athletes, cheer and support groups, mascots, bands, student groups and adult spectators. Also measured is the effort by school administrators and chaperones during the tournament to keep the support for their teams and student-athletes positive and enthusiastic.
WIAA also may solicit input from hotels, restaurants and business people in the city where WIAA State events take place in order to make appropriate measurements relative to the sportsmanship of communities and teams as they attend State Tournament competition. Sportsmanship by coaches and fans at regional and sectional contests prior to the State Tournament may also be taken into consideration.
The WIAA considers the Rural Insurance State Tournament Sportsmanship Award a prestigious honor. It’s truly a community award and one that grows in stature and importance as the years pass.
Mineral Point has received the award in the following years: 2011 (Wrestling), 2015 (Boys Basketball), and 2016 (Girls Basketball), along with honorable mention accolades other years. We would very much like to add another honor this year! Thank you for your cooperation.
Any non-editorial, commercial or other unauthorized use of any transmission, internet stream, photo, image, film, videotape, audio tape, play-by-play depiction or description of any competition and/or game action; and/or any non-editorial or commercial use of any team school name or logo is strictly prohibited without written consent of the WIAA.
Commercialization and/or sale of images taken or transmissions originating at the WIAA State Tournaments is strictly prohibited without written consent of the WIAA.
Spectators are permitted to take photos for personal, non-commercial purposes and to record audio and/or video for personal, non-commercial and/or non-transmittable purposes.