Auditions have been completed and the cast and crew lists have been announced for the high school musical theatre’s production of “Big Fish School Edition”
The show is set for Friday and Saturday, November 22 & 23 at 7 pm, and Sunday, November 24 at 1:30 pm, at the Mineral Point Opera House. Tickets are available at https://mineralpointoperahouse.org/events/event/5747/
Congrats to all!
Miley Coniber: Wedding Guest, Ashton Townsfolk, Auburn Student, Nurse
Josie Dunn: Young Sandra, NYC Citizen
Lily Fox: Lamb, Witch Crew, Ashton Townsfolk, Auburn Student, USO Dancer, Karl’s Girlfriend
Nolen Fox: Don Price, Wedding Guest, Officer
Emily Heisner: Lamb, Witch Crew, Ashton Townsfolk, Auburn Student, USO Dancer, Amos’ Wife
Cole Hentrich: Young Will
Gabe Hook: Zacky Price, Wedding Staff, NYC Citizen, Circus Folk, Boyscout
Beth Jewell: Wedding Guest, NYC Citizen, Ashton Townsfolk, Circus Folk
Eli Klein: Ashton Mayor, Red Fang, Circus Folk, Elephant, Auburn Student
Preston Lease: Dr. Bennett, General Patterson, Ashton Townsfolk, Circus Folk, Elephant, Auburn Student
Austi Leigh: Wedding Guest, Ashton Townsfolk, Circus Folk, Auburn Student, Nurse
Anthony Luu: Will
Cooper McGuire: Karl, Wedding Guest, Officer
Lilly Murn: Witch, Ultrasound Technician, Ashton Townsfolk, Circus Folk
Emme Oellerich: NYC Citizen, Ashton Townsfolk, Circus Folk, USO Dancer
Brooke Paynter: Josephine, Witch Crew, USO Dancer
Leah Raab: Mermaid, Witch Crew, Ashton Townsfolk, Auburn Student, USO Dancer
Finn Renwick: Amos, Wedding Guest, Officer
Violet Renwick: Ashton Statue
Taitin Riley: Edward
Shayna Sigg: NYC Citizen, Ashton Townsfolk, Circus Folk, USO Dancer
Madelyn Steffes: Jenny Hill, NYC Citizen, Circus Folk, USO Dancer
Lila Thousand: Sandra
Suttyn Weinbrenner: NYC Citizen, Ashton Townsfolk, Circus Folk, USO Dancer
Ella Wilson: Will’s Son
Evelyn Backes: Backstage Ground Crew, Props, Lobby Decor
Addison Christopher: Sound Board, Fundraiser Designer, Lobby Decor
Keyara Collins: Spotlights, Rehearsal Manager, Props, Lobby Decor
Josie Dunn: Lobby Decor
Ethan Ferrell: House Manager, Props, Set Construction
Matt Greene: Backstage Assistant Manager, Props, Set Construction
Lilly Houtakker: Cameras, Hair & Makeup Tutorials
Landyn Moellers: Cameras
Lucy Paynter: Spotlights, Rehearsal Manager, Props, Lobby Decor
Jaycee Privett: Costume Crew, Hair & Makeup Tutorials
Ryley Reichling: Costume Crew
Violet Renwick: Backstage Ground Crew, Rehearsal Manager, Playbill Biographies Editor, Props, Lobby Decor
Thomas Ringlet: Backstage Ground Crew, Props
Autumn Robb: Light Board, Props, Lobby Decor
Faye Schuette: Backstage Ground Crew, Fundraiser Designer, Lobby Decor
Minaya Thomas: Makeup & Hair Crew, Props
Cooper Thompson: House Manager, Props, Set Construction
Isabel Thompson: Makeup & Hair Crew, Props, Lobby Decor
Ronica Thousand: Social Media Designer
Alstan Van Overmeer: Projection Computer, Props
Quentin Walter: Backstage Assistant Manager, Set Construction
Ella Wilson: Costume Crew, Props
Danielle Dillon: Bass
Terry Dillon: Keyboard
Tim Durst: French Horn
Andrew Guzik: Percussion
Emma Jones: Viola
Tim Ekenberg: Keyboard
Jake Mader: Percussion
Nathan Manwiller: Violin
Terry Mergen: Piccolo, Flute, Alto Flute
Larry Owen: Guitar
Carrie Palzkill: Trumpet
Margaret Ruf: Oboe and Soprano, Tenor & Bari Saxophones
Owen Weitner: Cello
James Werlein: Guitar
Jolene Werlein: Clarinet, Alto Saxophone, Bass Clarinet
Ashley Calderon-McHugh, Choreographer, Vocal Music Director, Club Advisor
Danielle Dillon, Choreographer
Allison Keller, Technical Director
Blair Kott, Costume Director
Emma Larson, Assistant Costume Director
Matt Nevers, Orchestra Director
Daniel Nordstrom, Assistant Set Director
Jason Smith, Acting & Props Director
Chad Walter, Master Builder
Based on the celebrated novel by Daniel Wallace and the acclaimed film directed by Tim Burton, “Big Fish” centers on Edward Bloom, a traveling salesman who lives life to its fullest… and then some! Edward’s incredible, larger-than-life stories thrill everyone around him – most of all, his devoted wife Sandra. But their son Will, about to have a child of his own, is determined to find the truth behind his father’s epic tales. Overflowing with heart, humor and spectacular stagecraft, “Big Fish” is an extraordinary new Broadway musical that reminds us why we love going to the theatre – for an experience that’s richer, funnier and BIGGER than life itself.
“Big Fish School Edition” is presented through special arrangement with and all authorized performance materials are supplied by Theatrical Rights Worldwide 1180 Avenue of the Americas, Suite 640, New York, NY 10036. www.theatricalrights.com