Hello Pointer Families —
Information and registration is here for summer enrichment activities! Deadline to register is Friday, May 24. You will use the current grade your student is in when making your selections.
Sports Camps: These are offered for current 2nd through 11th grade students. Please note that some sport camps are offered in our Adventure Camp registration as well for younger grades.
Adventure Camp: This is for current 4K through 5th grade students. Please note that some sport camps are included in this section as well. Please note: If you previously registered your child for Pointer Kids Club (summer day care), you must also register them for Adventure Camp.
Please take some time to explore all the offerings on the website: https://sites.google.com/mp.k12.wi.us/mpsummerenrichment2024/home?authuser=0
Once you are ready to register, you can use the designated registration tab: https://sites.google.com/mp.k12.wi.us/mpsummerenrichment2024/registration?authuser=0
If it is difficult to register from a mobile device, completing the forms on a computer may be preferred.
Please contact Jane Barr at jane.barr@mp.k12.wi.us or 608-987-0710 with any questions.
We look forward to continuing our learning together this summer!