Get your parade entries ready! This year’s #PointerNation Homecoming Parade will be Thursday, October 5 at 6:15 pm. If interested in entering a unit in the parade, please sign up using this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0949A9AA23AAFC1-mphs or call Mr. Matt Nevers at 608-987-0730, Ext. 472, or email him at matt.nevers@mp.k12.wi.us. Entries should be in no later than Thursday, September 28 to allow enough time to distribute the parade line-up to all involved. Please read important rules below:
Floats may be pulled by car or truck, and the driver must have a valid WI driver’s license. No three or four-wheelers will be allowed in the parade and we ask that you refrain from throwing candy as it creates a hazardous situation for youngsters. Class floats can have 6-8 students riding and drivers of floats must have a valid regular driver’s license (19 years old and older). Written permission from the vehicle owner must be registered with the High School Office a week before the parade. Driver’s proof of insurance must be turned into the high school office a week before the parade or your entry will not be allowed to participate in the parade.
Line-up will begin between 5:30 and 6:00 pm in front of the Mineral Point Care Center. Please look for the person in the bright fluorescent vest to help you. At 6:15 pm, the parade will proceed down High Street. This year’s theme is “Welcome to Fabulous Pointer Nation” with Las Vegas vibes and Parkview/Albany will be the opposing team. The Spirit Rally, including crowning of the queen and king, will begin immediately following the parade at the football field. The Homecoming Football Game will be Friday, October 6 at 7:00 pm.