The 2022 Future Business Leaders of America Region 4 Regional Leadership Conference was held at La Crosse Central High School on Saturday, February 5. The Mineral Point Chapter members competed successfully earning the team a 2nd place finish out of 37 chapters. Congratulations to the following competitors who qualified for the FBLA State Leadership Conference coming up March 28 and 29 in Madison!
1st Abel Logue- Advertising
1st Griffin Albaugh- Business Calculations
1st Kelsie Toay- Job Interview
1st Julianna Cool- Intro to Event Planning (Cool, Foster, Ward)
1st Gracelyn Foster- Intro to Event Planning (Cool, Foster, Ward)
1st Willow Ward- Intro to Event Planning (Cool, Foster, Ward)
1st Kendall Kilpatrick- Securities & Investments
2nd Olivia Poad- Cybersecurity
2nd Hayden Bakken- Political Science
2nd Owen Ward- Securities & Investments
3rd Cole Ferrell- Broadcast Journalism (Marr, Wersal, Ferrell)
3rd Haydn Marr- Broadcast Journalism (Marr, Wersal, Ferrell)
3rd Caleb Wersal- Broadcast Journalism (Marr, Wersal, Ferrell)
3rd Jayda Sudmeier- Hospitality & Event Management (Smith & Sudmeier)
3rd Kennedy Smith- Hospitality & Event Management (Smith & Sudmeier)
3rd Bobby Allbright- Intro to Financial Math
Additional place finishers were:
4th Matthew Goninen- Graphic Design
4th Merisa Paynter- Intro to FBLA
4th Ella James- Agribusiness
4th Sidney Goldthorpe- Human Resource Management
4th Callie Pierce- Journalism
4th Dominik McVay- UX Design
5th MacClain Busser- Intro to Business Procedures
6th Emily Graber- Agribusiness
6th Maddix Jackson- Personal Finance
7th Grace Engels- Journalism
8th Lorelei Allbright- Business Communications