The Mineral Point School Board held its regular monthly meeting Monday and updated its covid protocols.
Video link: https://youtu.be/qkqCTxjZ3wI
The main change made was to eliminate the 53565 zip code case numbers from the masking matrix. Moving forward, masking levels will be determined solely based on the percentage of students and staff positive/quarantined in each building. When those numbers are above 20% of the population, masks would be required. When the numbers are at 20% or below, masks would be optional for students and staff. The week’s case numbers will continue to be reported via the weekly Friday dashboard.
This change passed by a 4-2 vote (with Dunn and Janetka voting against and Busch absent) and will take effect Monday, February 21.
Superintendent Wainwright provided the latest covid update for the district. (Go to the 16 minute, 30 second mark)
Action around the mitigation plan begins at the 31 minute, 30 second mark of the video.
The latest protocol document has been placed on the website: https://mineralpointschools.org/coronavirus-covid-19-information/
(The matrix graphic on the website will be updated on Friday to reflect the new protocols in effect Monday.)
Other Business:
— Superintendent Wainwright provided his monthly budget comparison. (Go to the 19 minute, 15 second mark)
— Board members Dunn, Heisner, and Janetka shared a report from their attendance at the State Education Convention in Milwaukee in January. (Go to the 20 minute mark)
— The School Board Election Timeline was discussed with the latest announcement of the annual Candidate Forum scheduled for Wednesday, March 9 at 7 pm in the middle/high school library, hosted and moderated by Pointer Media students. More information will be forthcoming. (Go to the 28 minute mark)
— Unanimously approved (with Busch absent) the purchase of a new truck for district use. (Go to the one hour, 30 minute mark)
— Unanimously approved (with Busch absent) applying for a waiver from the Department of Public Instruction to potentially start the 2022-23 school year prior to September 1. (Go to the one hour, 32 minute, 30 second mark)
— Unanimously approved (with Busch absent) new courses for high school credit. (Go to the one hour, 37 minute, 15 second mark)
Health – Semester Course
- Change health from 10th grade to 9th grade. Changing health to earlier in a student’s high school career will help students have an earlier understanding of the potential situations that they may find themselves confronted with during their high school days. We are finding that students are exposed to situations earlier and earlier, so we hope this can address this issue and better prepare students for what is to come.
- To complete this transition, we will need to have both Health 9 and Health 10 next year.
Leadership 1 & 2 – Semester Course
- Leadership 1 – An introduction to personal growth and leadership skills.
- Leadership 2 – Focuses on taking leadership to the next level. This would be an elective class taken after Leadership 1 to help them fully engage in the leadership role and personal growth.
Integrated Science – Semester Course
- Similar to our Applications of Algebra, Integrated Science would act as a stepping stone for those not ready to tackle Chemistry and allow students the chance to gain insight into Basic Chemistry, Physics, and Environmental science. This course will take a more project based approach to learning.
Art Course Changes – Adding art specific courses will allow students to gain more experience on those skills.
- Clay – Semester Course
- Drawing and Painting – Semester Course
— Unanimously approved (with Busch absent) the posting of a full-time district night custodian. (Go to the one hour, 45 minute, 30 second mark)
— Unanimously approved (with Busch absent) the hiring of a physical education intern for each semester of the 2022-23 school year at the elementary. (Go to the one hour, 47 minute, 15 second mark)
— Unanimously approved (with Busch absent) increasing the base wage of the support staff salary scheduled to $15/hour for the 2022-23 school year. (Go to the one hour, 48 minute, 30 second mark)
— Unanimously approved (with Busch absent) the retirement request of Roger Palzkill, Maintenance Director, at the end of the school year. (Go to the one hour, 54 minute, 30 second mark)
— Unanimously approved (with Busch absent) the posting of one full time and one part time instructional assistant at the elementary. These postings are driven by student Individualized Education Program and are cost neutral to the district. (Go to the one hour, 57 minute mark)
— Unanimously approved (with Busch absent) the credit card statement and bills payable. (Go to the one hour, 59 minute mark)
— The next regular meeting of the Board will be held Monday, March 14 at 6:30 pm.