The Mineral Point Kiwanis Club honored its January Students of the Month at a virtual meeting Tuesday, January 4.
The students, who are members of the senior class, are selected for this honor through a voting process by staff at the high school, and their biographies are written by themselves.
Brett Roberts
Brett Roberts is the son of Gary and Julie Roberts and the younger brother of Brady. He grew up outside of Mineral Point on his farm that has been in their family for five generations.
In school, Brett is active in football, the trap team, FFA, and National Honor Society. He has been involved with the Wildlife and Horse Career Development Teams in FFA, which directly correlate to his interests outside of school as well. His favorite pastimes are hunting and trapping and spending time outdoors with his family and riding his horse “Reno.” Brett’s favorite thing is to hunt with his dad and brother every fall, and for the past several years, has most looked forward to their annual hunting trips out west.
Brett’s enjoyment of hunting has also led him to volunteer to help teach younger kids about hunting through Wisconsin DNR Hunter Safety courses and taking young hunters on mentored hunts through the National Wild Turkey Federation and the Grant County Sportsman’s Alliance.
Brett works on a neighboring dairy farm throughout the year and has worked summers for a horse breeder/ranch and most recently as an embroidery hooper for Lands’ End to save money for college. He will be combining his interest in animals and the American West by attending South Dakota State University in the fall to pursue a degree in Animal Science, possibly pre-vet.
Brett would like to thank Mr. Tom Steger for helping spark his interest in science and biology. Brett would also like to thank Mr. Mike Robinson and the FFA chapter for helping to develop important leadership and social skills and offering valuable agricultural experiences and connections. Lastly, Brett would like to thank Mrs. Jenny Wahlin for her support and help as an advisor.
Brett would like to thank Mrs. Lisa Hay and the Kiwanis and the school staff for this honor. He would also like to congratulate Jayda and the past Students of the Month on being honored for their hard work.
“Ever since elementary school, Brett has been quite reserved. He has a quiet demeanor, but his character speaks volumes for the type of person he is. He is a kind person who is strong academically and, although injured through his senior football career, he remained an active supporter from the sidelines. Brett is also on theTrap Shooting team and participates in many club activities. Brett, congratulations on being selected for Kiwanis Student of the Month. You have a bright future ahead of you.” ~ Janet Lawinger, High School Administrative Assistant
“Brett, of course, was a quiet kindergartner and always a good student. On those rare moments when you caught his smile, it would light up the room and usually involved farm equipment, animals, or nature. Brett, it has been a joy watching you grow up into the fine young man you are today. Finish school strong and best wishes next year!” ~ Jill McGuire, Kindergarten Teacher
“Brett, Congratulations on your selection as the Student of the Month. Your work ethic and skill set that you have displayed throughout your high school career are one of the many reasons that you have such a bright future ahead of you. Throughout your high school career, I have seen you continue to develop as a student, leader, role model, and mentor for those around you. Thank you for your commitment to making Mineral Point Schools a better place. Best of wishes.” ~ Matt Austin, High School Principal
“When you look up the word stoic in the dictionary, there should be a picture of Brett next to it. His calm and patient demeanor is one to be revered. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching him soak everything in and think it through in his own way. People like me appreciate people like Brett – you bring the calm to my storm, buddy! I am confident that your future will be amazing wherever it may take you. You are a genuinely bright and motivated young man that is going places!” ~ Kristin Staver, High School English Teacher
Jayda Sudmeier
Jayda Sudmeier, daughter of Shane and Lisa Sudmeier, is one of two daughters. She and her family have lived in Mineral Point since Jayda was a baby. Mineral Point will always be home to Jayda no matter where life takes her.
Jayda has participated in countless activities outside of academics. Key Club, Future Business Leaders of America, Skills USA, Forensics, Yearbook, and Blue Crew are all clubs Jayda has participated in during her high school career. She has been a yearbook editor and Director of Sales and Marketing for the Media Team and helps to create content for Wake Up Mineral Point. Jayda has also participated in volleyball, basketball, and softball through her four years at Mineral Point High School. In addition, she is a two-year member of the National Honor Society. Other honors Jayda has received include: Junior Student of the Year and Spanish Student of the Year for the previous three years.
Jayda has also been an active volunteer throughout her middle and high school years. She went on the Mineral Point Youth Group mission trip in the summer of 2018, worked at Ruby’s Pantry for many distributions, rang the bell for the Salvation Army, and completed years of community/yard clean-up.
When she is not in school, Jayda enjoys traveling, reading, hiking, and spending time with family and friends. Jayda also works as a Certified Nursing Assistant at the local care center, Mineral Point Health Services.
After high school, Jayda plans to attend the University of Iowa to major in Biochemistry and minor in Spanish. Someday, she hopes to pursue her dream of becoming a pediatrician.
Jayda would like to give a huge thank you to her family and friends for their continued support throughout her high school years. Additionally, she would like to thank the staff at MPHS. She wouldn’t be who she is today without them. Special thanks to Mr. Matt Austin, High School Principal, and Mrs. Kristin Staver, High School English Teacher, for all of the opportunities and guidance. She would also like to thank the countless coaches as well.
She wants to congratulate Brett and all previous students for also being recognized as Student of the Month and thank the Kiwanis for this honor.
“Jayda is one of those girls who is immediately noticed by her smile. It leads her into a room and right away you know she is engaged in what she’s doing. Jayda is highly regarded in her academics, as well as a participant in sports and club activities. A senior highlight was also being one of the emcees for this year’s Homecoming festivities. Congratulations on being named Kiwanis Student of the Month. Continue to lead with your upbeat attitude and you will go far in life.” ~ Janet Lawinger, High School Administrative Assistant
“Jayda has worked hard on school work since day one of kindergarten. Her sweet smile has been a bright spot for teachers all through the years. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching Jayda grow into the beautiful, kind young lady she is today! Jayda, I wish you much success in the future and can’t wait to see what things are in store for you! Best wishes and have fun this Senior year!” ~ Jill McGuire, Kindergarten Teacher
“My first memories of Jayda are of her in the elementary library and as a younger sister tagging along to her sister’s volleyball games. She always brought the fun and the determination to learn more, whether it was bumping the volleyball or mastering a school subject. She is a diligent and engaged student who wants to learn more and do it in an organized and efficient manner. This energy, style, and commitment to success will take her far. Best of luck in all you do, Jayda!” ~ Kris McCoy, Middle/High School Librarian
“Congratulations on being selected as the Student of the Month for January. If I were to describe Jayda, I would use the words talented, caring, driven, and dependable. As you finish out this chapter of your story and start the next, these qualities are going to continue to guide you and help you reach your goals. Jayda, thank you for being a positive example for underclassmen and your community. As a student you continue to impress me with your talents and ability to work hard to succeed in all areas of life. Best of wishes; you are going to do great things.” ~ Matt Austin, High School Principal
“‘Creativity isn’t worth a thing if it isn’t served with an equal amount of reliability.’ – Anton Peck. Miss Jayda Sudmeier doesn’t have to worry about serving an equal amount of either of these two qualities. She is genuinely one of the most creative and reliable students I have worked with throughout my teaching career. Jayda teaches me how to be more organized and productive! The best part about working with Jayda is her enthusiasm for everything – she makes everyone around her want to give more. I can’t tell her how much I appreciate all of the extra time and effort she puts forth, and I will miss her more than she will know next year. However, the exciting part for me is to see where the future takes her. Stay cool, sweet girl!” ~ Kristin Staver, High School English Teacher
(Roberts photo by Lifka Bennett; Sudmeier photo by Ann Gorgen)