At Monday night’s regular School Board meeting, the meeting began observing a moment of silence in remembrance of Captain Brian Busch and Firefighter James Ludlum.
The Mineral Point School Board approved by a 6-0 vote (with Busch absent) updating the district’s covid protocol document, largely to reflect current isolation and quarantine recommendations by the CDC. The most current document has been placed on our website here: https://mineralpointschools.org/coronavirus-covid-19-information/
(Go to the one hour, 26 minute, 45 second mark)
The Board also took no action on shifting to virtual instruction as a possible mitigation strategy (for more than one day, which is already approved in the protocol document) if the ability to staff the schools becomes an issue, but would hold an emergency meeting if that situation were to arise.
(Go to the one hour, 52 minute mark)
Video link: https://youtu.be/_Yg3hhWhpYQ
— Each January, the Board must approve the number of regular and special education spaces available for open enrollment for the following school year. The Board approved by a 5-0 vote (with Busch and Sullivan absent) the following open enrollment spaces for the 2022-23 school year:
Regular Education:
11 spaces available for open enrollment in Kindergarten
1 space available for open enrollment in 1st Grade
12 spaces available for open enrollment in 2nd Grade
9 spaces available for open enrollment in 3rd Grade
10 spaces available for open enrollment in 4th Grade
3 spaces available for open enrollment in 5th Grade
11 spaces available for open enrollment in 6th Grade
1 space available for open enrollment in 7th Grade
4 spaces available for open enrollment in 8th Grade
No Limit on spaces available for open enrollment in grades 9-12
Special Education:
2 spaces available for open enrollment at the early childhood level
4 spaces available for open enrollment in the elementary grades K-1
1 space available for open enrollment in the elementary grades 2-3
5 spaces available for open enrollment in the elementary grades 4-5
7 spaces available for open enrollment in the middle school grades 6-8
6 spaces available for open enrollment in the high school grades 9-12
(Go to the 49 minute, 45 second mark)
— The Board heard the latest state of covid in the district. (Go to the 34 minute mark)
— The Board heard an update regarding items at the elementary school. Items discussed include: water damage from Friday’s incident and follow up, upper and lower parking lot, oak savanna. (Go to the five minute mark)
— Superintendent Wainwright presented his monthly budget update. (Go to the 46 minute, 30 second mark)
— The School Board election timeline was discussed. There are four candidates for two seats. The names will appear on the ballot in the following order: Alan Schrank, Sarah E. Syvrud, Christie Johnston, and William Harris. The election will take place Tuesday, April 5 with the three-year term of office commencing April 25.
— The State Education Convention will take place next week in Milwaukee. The Board approved 5-0 (with Busch and Sullivan absent) giving Member Heisner authority to vote on resolutions on the Board’s behalf at the Delegate Assembly. (Go to the one hour, 23 minute, 45 second mark)
— The Board approved 6-0 (with Busch absent) the co-op renewals for gymnastics and girls soccer with Dodgeville. (Go to the two hour, one minute mark)
— The Board approved 6-0 (with Busch absent) the bills payable and credit card statement. (Go to the two hour, three minute, 30 second mark)
— The next regular meeting will be held Monday, February 14 at 6:30 pm.