The Mineral Point Kiwanis Club honored its October Students of the Month at a virtual meeting Tuesday, October 5.
The students, who are members of the senior class, are selected for this honor through a voting process by staff at the high school, and their biographies are written by themselves.
These are the first Students of the Month for the 2021-22 school year.
Drew Hottenstein
Drew Hottenstein would first like to thank Kiwanis and the school staff for this honor. He would also like to congratulate Callie Pierce on receiving this honor as well.
Drew is the son of Wendy and Dennis Hottenstein, as well as brother of Derek Hottenstein. He has a loving family who has helped him grow into the person he is today. Growing up in the Mineral Point community has been a privilege for Drew. Everyone supports each other and comes together to create a great atmosphere.
A fantastic feature about Mineral Point is all the activities it offers its students. Some of the activities Drew participates in include the following: math team, mock trial, Skills USA, National Honor Society officer, soccer captain, basketball team, and the track and field team.
Outside of school, Drew loves to be in nature and help people. Drew volunteers for many activities from helping his church to helping with community dinners. During the summer, he works at Lands’ End and helps on the family farm. In his freetime, he loves to play soccer and learn new things.
The soccer team is a second home to him and Drew would like to thank the team for everything they do. Being a part of the team has helped Drew become more outgoing. After high school, he plans on continuing his education at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville studying mechanical engineering. Drew will likely try out for the soccer team, and would love to join some clubs as well.
Once again, Drew would first like to congratulate Callie Pierce on this honor. Drew would also like to thank everyone for this opportunity and everyone who made him into the person he is today. He would like to give a special thanks to Lisa Hay and Kiwanis, Mrs. Cindi Nothem, Mr. Matt Austin, Ms. Erin Sincox, Mr. Dan Burreson, Mr. Kyle Glynn, Mrs. Kip Bakken, Wendy and Dennis Hottenstein, Derek Hottenstein, Drew’s classmates, the basketball team, the soccer team, and the track team for everything they have done for him.
“Drew was a quiet boy who entered the elementary school with his nose in a book and seemed to keep it there! He is smart and fun. I have enjoyed watching Drew as he has accomplished many goals, on and off the soccer field. Congratulations and have a great year, Drew!” ~ Jill McGuire, Kindergarten Teacher
“I’ve known Drew since his elementary years and he has always been a student involved in not only school, but other activities. He has a quiet demeanor, but is fierce about his studies and his drive in clubs and athletics. As Drew works on completing his senior year, I’m sure he is also looking forward to whatever his future may hold. Only good lies ahead for this young man. Congratulations on being chosen as Student of the Month.” ~ Janet Lawinger, High School Administrative Assistant
“I’ve coached Drew for many years now. He’s grown from a polite and curious kid into a polite, skilled, and coachable player. Drew has developed into a real leader whose perspective is sought after by his teammates. He is proof positive that hard work pays off. His attention to the important details of soccer make Drew one of the most productive competitors that I’ve had the opportunity to coach. His high school soccer career is a success story because of his diligent and thoughtful approach to training and his willingness to learn. I’m just glad that I had the chance to be there to see it happen. I’m certain that his great work ethic and curiosity will serve him well and carry him to achievement in his future endeavors. Best regards and all success to you Drew!” ~ Erik Bakken, Boys Soccer Coach
‘“When you’ve lost your sense of humor, you’ve really lost it all’ – Yael Cohen. This quote sums up Drew Hottenstein’s persona. His positive outlook, sweet smile, and joking nature were a godsend while navigating through the last two years of school. Drew is the kid who makes lemonade when life is serving lemons. This quality, coupled with his intelligence and communication skills, absolutely ensures his bright future! I wish you all the best and can’t wait to see what your future holds!” ~ Kristin Staver, High School English Teacher
“Congratulations Drew on your selection as Student of the Month. As a young man, you are such a thoughtful, kind, and respectful individual and have been a wonderful role model for those around you. Thank you for always being willing to lend a helping hand and having a smile on your face. As you move on to the next chapter of your life, know that you have made a positive impact on others within the Mineral Point community. Your future is bright and I am sure that you will accomplish amazing things.” ~ Matt Austin, High School Principal
“I have been very fortunate to not only have Drew as a student, but also as a member of my advisory group and now as a National Honor Society officer! Drew is mature beyond his years and has an incredibly bright future ahead of him. While last year’s hybrid and virtual learning schedules were challenging to say the least, I so looked forward to our weekly advisory zoom meetings as Drew was there for me just as much as I tried to be there for him! I felt like I could always bounce ideas off him and he was always willing to give me honest and incredibly helpful feedback! Drew – I couldn’t be prouder of you and I hope that you enjoy every minute of your senior year! With your work ethic, kind and genuine personality, and desire to make the world around you a better place, the opportunities ahead of you are limitless! Congratulations!” ~ Cindi Nothem, High School Math Teacher
Callie Pierce
Callie Pierce, daughter of Glenn and Cathy Pierce, was born in Manassas, Virginia, in 2004 and moved to Mineral Point in 2011. Her brother, Cody, has always been one of her biggest role models.
Throughout her high school career, Callie has been involved in activities such as band, choir, math team, mock trial, Skills USA, Half Time Entertainment, and color guard. She is a captain of football cheerleading and forensics, trumpet section leader in band, President of Key Club, and head of Publicity in Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA). She has also been in student government for the past four years. Last year she became a member of the National Honor Society and currently serves as Communications Director for the club. Other honors that Callie is grateful to have received are Sophomore Student of the Year and senior homecoming representative.
Callie has been performing on stage ever since she was a toddler. She started dance classes at three years old and currently dances at Elevation Dance Academy. She danced competitively for several years but stopped to focus on other activities such as Mineral Point Musical Theatre, her favorite part of the school year. She was Lady Merrill in “Once Upon a Mattress,” Éponine in “Les Misérables,” Cogsworth in “Beauty and the Beast,” and is thrilled to be performing as Roxie in “Chicago” this year.
Outside of school, Callie enjoys working at High Street Sweets and meeting new people, both community members and visitors.
After high school Callie will likely join her brother in attending Luther College and continue her love for performing. She is currently undecided on her major but will probably minor in musical theatre or dance.
Callie would like to thank all Mineral Point High School staff for their hard work and dedication, especially Mr. Matt Austin for not only the work he has done as principal, but also his understanding and care for the students. She would also like to thank Mrs. Cindi Nothem for her kindness and compassion. Though she only had a year of classes with these two as teachers, they have played significant roles in Callie’s high school career. Additionally, Callie thanks everyone in the music department for their instruction throughout the years and for helping her develop her skills in band, choir, and musical theatre.
Callie would like to congratulate Drew Hottenstein for being honored as Student of the Month as well. She would also like to thank Kiwanis and the school staff for choosing her as Student of the Month. Finally, she would like to thank her family for their endless love and support.
“Callie’s genuine smile is a sign of her beauty and kindness. Callie’s musical talents shine bright when she is playing music or performing. She is always friendly and kind to others, which doesn’t go unnoticed. Best wishes for a great year, Callie! Congratulations on being selected Student of the Month!” ~ Jill McGuire, Kindergarten Teacher
“Callie is one of those quiet girls who inside is fierce about what she wants. She is very strong in her academics and can yell as loud as the rest of them when it comes to cheerleading. Callie is the type of girl who seems to have her career goals planned out, probably from a very young age. She is one of those who after graduation is going to hit the ground running. Best of luck to you as you complete your senior year and congratulations on being chosen as Student of the Month.” ~ Janet Lawinger, High School Administrative Assistant
“Callie Pierce has had an impressive and extensive musical high school career so far. She has developed as a musician rapidly, taken on terrific choral projects, and participated in nearly all musical extra curricular activities our district offers. Callie has always served as a role model for her peers in her quiet leadership, determination to improve individually and as a group, and patience with others. For the last two years, she earned the choral awards of Leadership and Musicianship for her positive attitude, focus and responsibility, strong musical talents, and service as a resource for the ensemble. In all of our community tours as an ensemble, I have noticed Callie’s compassion and connection with community members. Callie has also represented the MPHS Vocal Program in varying choral festivals across the midwest, including 2020 Vocal Arts Festival, 2018 & 2019 SWAL Honors Choir Festival, and 2020 & 2021 WCDA All State Choir Festival. Also, Callie was nominated and selected to sing the National Anthem at a professional baseball game, and her original composition was selected, performed, and critiqued at UW Eau Claire’s Clearwater Choral Festival! I have also had the pleasure of working with Callie within the realm of musical theatre. For her role as Lady Merrill in ‘Once Upon a Mattress,’ she earned the award for Best Harmonizer, and as Eponine in ‘Les Misérables,’ she earned the award for Rookie Female Lead. This past year, she earned the award for Best Personality in the iconic role of Cogsworth in Disney’s ‘Beauty and the Beast.’ Callie has already shown great potential, interest, and commitment to new musical challenges this year! I greatly anticipate her performance and contributions as Roxie in ‘Chicago: High School Edition!’ I have come to appreciate Callie’s balance and multifaceted interests over the years, particularly her musical endeavors. Callie’s self-motivation, well-roundedness, leadership, professionalism, and thoughtfulness will surely guarantee her success in all she does!” ~ Ashley McHugh, Middle/High School Choir Teacher
“Callie Pierce is a driven, sincere and detail oriented person who genuinely cares about serving her school and community. She is a leader by example and someone who embraces challenges. I’m proud to have not only had her as a student leader in my classes but also to have worked with Callie as an Future Business Leader of America officer. I congratulate you as October Student of the Month and look forward to seeing all your successes this senior year!” ~ Kipalee Bakken, Middle/High School Business Teacher
‘“You are blessed when you stay on the course’ – Psalm 119. Miss Callie Pierce has always stayed the course with a goal in mind! I have had the pleasure of not only teaching this incredibly bright young lady but also had the honor of being one of her dance teachers and her cheer coach. She is truly one of the most responsible, talented kids I have worked with – she always handles the pressure and comes through with flying colors. I will miss her dearly next year but can’t wait to see what the future holds for her. I wish you all the best, sweet girl!” ~ Kristin Staver, High School English Teacher
“If I were to describe Callie, I would use the words respectful, talented, and leader. To me, these qualities are going to aid in your success and help you reach your goals as your future unfolds. Callie, thank you for being a positive example for underclassmen and your community. You are very deserving of the Student of the Month award. Your drive and enthusiasm are attributes that are going to help you be successful in any career path. Best of luck with your future.” ~ Matt Austin, High School Principal
“When I think of Callie Pierce, one of the first things that comes to mind is, I don’t know how she does it! This girl is not only involved in, but excels in and is a true leader in so many student organizations and extracurricular activities! And on top of all of that, she finds time to be a straight A student! I am so happy to have Callie on the National Honor Society officer team this year as I know she will push our organization to find even more ways to serve and give back to the school and community. Congratulations, Callie, on your recognition today. You make MPHS a better place every time you walk in the door and there is no doubt in my mind that will be the case everywhere you go!” ~ Cindi Nothem, High School Math Teacher
(Hottenstein photo by Lifka Bennett; Pierce photo by Carol Stephenson)