The Mineral Point School Board held a special meeting Monday to certify the tax levy for the 2021-22 school year. (Go to the 19 minute, 45 second mark of the video)

The meeting began observing a moment of silence in remembrance of longtime School Board Member, Mr. Larry Steffes.

Meeting video:

The Board unanimously approved the levy, which is a 7.68% decrease over last year’s and comes in at $4,407,932.

The budget is balanced at $14,226,153.

The equalized property value for the district now totals $423,401,303. This is a 5.99% increase over last year. 

This total helps to determine the mill rate. The mill rate for this year is 10.41, compared to last year of 11.95, a decrease of 1.54 mills, which amounts to a 12.89% decrease.

To read a complete breakdown, visit:

Other business:

— The Board reviewed the budget (go to the one minute, 45 second mark of the video)

— The Board unanimously approved the budget amendments as presented (go to the 18 minute, 20 second mark)